Wednesday, December 25, 2019
Essay on Pre-Employment Screening Industry Report
Pre-Employment Screening Industry Overview Industry Overview Due to the increasing costs associated with workplace embezzlement, fraud, violence, and other unethical business practices, the need to manage hiring and personnel risk has never been of greater importance than in todays business environment. The process of verifying past employment, education, and criminal history is an essential facet of many contemporary corporate risk management programs. The pre-employment screening industry is a small, highly fragmented sub-industry of the much larger Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) sector, a space dominated by a handful of large companies accounting for almost 25% of the industrys total revenue. Total revenue for the†¦show more content†¦In addition, many employers seek to reduce their costs even further by outsourcing pre-employment screening and allowing their human resource (HR) departments to focus more on strategic functions. By outsourcing this function to a pre-employment screening company, an HR department can take ad vantage of cost savings due to the screening companys economies of scale and more sophisticated screening technologies. The Society of Human Resource Managers (SHRM) estimates that almost 80% of all employers use pre-employment screening companies to some degree. Poised for Growth Pre-employment screening companies have seen double-digit revenue growth over the last several years due to several factors, including an increase in negligent lawsuits, the global terrorism threat post 9/11, the strong U.S. job market, and new government regulations such as the Patriot Act and the Voluntary Guidelines onShow MoreRelatedHuman Capital Due Diligence Service948 Words  | 4 Pageshiring new executive, firm restructuring around essential senior management, assessing the viability of acquiring a new firm or as a mediator with a new supplier, customer or partner. 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Tuesday, December 17, 2019
William Blake s Songs Of Innocence And Experience
William Blake’s Songs of Innocence and Experience, printed in 1794, â€Å"represents the world as it is envisioned by what he calls ‘two contrary states of the human soul’†(Greenblatt, 1452). This collection of poetry is accompanied by pictures, which create a mutually reliant relationship that allows for complete understanding of Blake’s works. â€Å"To read a Blake poem without the pictures is to miss something important: that relationship is an aspect of the poem’s argument†(1452). Overall, Blake’s works in Songs of Innocence and Experience provides a greater understanding into human life. Through poetry, Blake juxtaposes the innocence of childhood with the corruption of adulthood. Thus, his work allows the reader to see situations from a double-sided lens of innocence and then of experience. These two perspectives, known as the â€Å"two contrary states of the human soul†, are independent and each poem is accompanied by another poem; the poem â€Å"â€Å"Infant Joy†is paired with â€Å"Infant Sorrow†and the meek â€Å"Lamb†reveals its other aspect of divinity in the flaming, wrathful â€Å"Tyger††(1456). In Songs of Innocence, published in 1789, celebrates the innocence and untainted nature of childhood but it also doubles as a warning to adults. It warns them that the corruption of society and culture is to come and in Songs of Experience, a state of being that encompasses the loss of childhood vitality and corruption caused by social and political influence. The â€Å"innocence†and â€Å"experience†that BlakeShow MoreRelatedWilliam Blake s Innocence And Experience Analysis Essay1529 Words  | 7 PagesIsha Fidai Amber Drown English 2323 14 September 2016 William Blake s Innocence and Experience Analysis The Romantic Era was a movement in literature that began in the late seventeenth century throughout the eighteenth century that was mainly influenced by the natural world and idealism. Romanticism was predominantly focused on emotion and freedom emphasizing individualism. Formed as an uprising against neoclassicism, romanticism was more abstract, focusing on feelings and imaginations, insteadRead MoreWilliam Blake Had A Strict Standard On How His Poems Should1431 Words  | 6 Pages William Blake had a strict standard on how his poems should appear. In his poems, he was not very concerned with grammar or spelling, even though he was writing in a time much after the official English language had been created. Much of his spellings are very old-fashioned to us and at times can sound very awkward. Even his readers in his time found that the wording and spelling of phrases and words was quaint. William Blake also used forms of punctuation that were not considered to be standardRead MoreThe Romantic Era1008 Words  | 5 Pagesoriginality. The Romantic era was more open to mythic, mystic and spirituality than the enlightenment era had ever been. William Blake was a romantic poet. Romanticism was a movement, which was marked primarily by its rejection of the enlightenment ideologies and scientific methods, as well as its emphasis on the natural world, emotions, artistry and the personal expression. Growing up Blake`s childhood was dominated by spiritual visi ons which influenced his works and personal life. As a little boy he saidRead MoreWilliam Blake For this paper I choose to do a study of William Blake. 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Walt Whitman was an American poet, publicist and reformer of the American poetry. Whitman was the singer of the world democracy†, positive sciences, love and the association without social borders. He was also an innovatorRead MoreWilliam Blake s Poetry : Relationship Between Innocence And Experience1078 Words  | 5 PagesLiterature II March 5th, 2015 Title William Blake explores in-depth the relationship between innocence and experience in his work, Songs of Innocence and Experience and the resulting tension between these two contrasting states. Blake demonstrates those in a state of innocence are oblivious of that state, ignorant of any other state of consciousness. However, those aware of innocence cannot honestly envision it because their perceptions of reality have been colored by experience, which will stain their depictions
Monday, December 9, 2019
Security Breaches Ransomware in management â€Myassignmenthelp.Com
Question: How was the Attack Carried Out? Answer: Introduction The report will discuss in detail two security breach cases and their impact on people. These two cases are 198 million voter records exposed and Wanncry ransomware cyber attack. The issue This case happened on June 19, 2017 when a huge number of voter data was exposed in different parts of USA like Mexico and state of Georgia. However, what was even more surprising was that this data was publicly accessible exposing the personal information of over 198 million voters of USA. The data was actually owned by a conservative data based firm called as Deep Root Analytics and the company use to save it on a platform called as Amazon S3 (Newman, 2017). As per the expert reports, it was also discovered that data was exposed to any random person who can found it since it is a part of a clever hacking process with complex internet based forces. But it was also the part of simple case of missed case of configuration. Even though it cannot be properly considered as a perfect case of hack but it is a case of one of the biggest risk in cyber security for organizations. How and why it occurred The founders of the Deep Root Analytics found the information that was made accessible to the public like name, address, affiliation with the party and many more. At the same time, criminals coming across such a huge trove of information could have find enormous amount of value with all the information which was already aggregated at one single place specifically when the associated source is an expert in compiling data consisting some kind of value (Minnite, 2017). The organization is working to save the situation and securing the exposed data however it is important to understand here that the situation will gets worse initially before it starts getting better. The research also says that it consist scanning the internet for data which was accessible in public platform and must be secured. It was also discovered that exposed data was lacking any kind of protection against any unwanted access and it can be viewed by anyone who can access the internet. It is also important to understand here that the string would not even be that challenging to face with the help of a random kind of generator and the server also happen to has a huge amount of data protected on the system however it was later misconfigured and this is why more and more private information get exposed (Hall et al, 2017). This incident is now merged with other similar misconfiguration of database cases like dating services or screener system in Hollywood and Microsoft sites cases which came as threats that many database servers are facing in recent time. Possible solution There are some solutions to the problem as well that can help in reducing the number of servers that are misconfigured and exposed the data on internet. The first step is to raise maximum awareness among the people. It is obvious that these incidences have affected millions of people and it is important to encourage organizations to give more time as well as resource in setting the servers and properly maintaining it long run. Another solution is to make default kind of setting in the cloud which will help in making the database more secured and help in tightening the overall control. There are some securities companies have started developing products that can easily scan the current system being established as additional layer of defense and at the same time also warning the staff of IT to look at the traits or be more aware about the information with there are any threats on security (Aker et al, 2017). However, it is also important to note here that moving to cloud infrastructure can be a smart move but it is at the end of the day is another layer of risk being added to the system and each time, the user add any kind of component that needs to be verified, a specific percentage of the population is not going to further evaluate it (Udani Kimball, 2017). Further in statistics manner it is being added to the exposure but it doesnt mean that organization can be completely secured in the right manner with the data being saved in cloud however, the experts also says that any kind of attempt to provide a warning about the current danger of exposure in the system on the public internet will face little interest. The company has taken full accountability for the loss and the company is making all necessary investigations to evaluate the information that has been gathered over a period of time and secured. It is important to understand here that any specific party with any specific company, it can be treated as an epidemic that is present everywhere (Hershey, 2017). Ransomware cyber attack on the web Problem In May of 2017, a new issue or rather a serious strain of ransonware has been exposed all across the world and further caused a lot of crisis in organizations like National Health Services, hospitals and other facilities in different parts of the world like UK and Spain and many more. The affected parties were large telecom organization like Telefonica which is a natural gas organization or the electrical company namely Iberdrola. It is important to understand how people always speak about the issue called the Big One (Ehrenfeld, 2017). This ransonware was called as Wannacry and in other word it was called as WanaCryptor. This is actually a new version of pervious ransomware attack with thousands of attacks in more than seventy four countries. The reach of the attack in much heavier and the country like Spain, UK, Russia, Taiwan, France and dozens of more countries were covered under it. Affected people and how This attack was taken as massive all across the world and in addition had handicapped so many infrastructure and government in more than one hundred and fifty countries which also happen to include large part of Britain hospital structures and railways of Germany. It is actually expected as one of the largest online based extortion attack ever recorded (Mohurle Patil, 2017). The attack started with a ransomware infecting the chain of computer as well as locking the users away from the system and then later holding the level of description along with other release of ransom until the current victim has to pay an amount or ransom. This usually happened in the case of bitcoin. The case of NHS further experienced all kind of hobbled databases in computers as well as phone systems along with system failure and along with a lot of confusion after the computers in hospitals initiates expressing a message of ransom demanding more than $300 worth of bitcoins. As an outcome of this infection, many health care organizations, hospitals, offices and places in Northern England had to cancel many services and had to start working on some backup processes (Mattei, 2017). The news was spread saying that patients must completely avoid coming to hospitals if the situation is not very serious. However, the situation doesnt seem to have come out as any kind of unauthorized access to the details of patients. The National Health Services in UK is investigating the matter and also trying to minimize the impact of the attack and as per the news of UK, there are number of outlets that have reported to instruct the hospital personnel to do things that can completely shut down the computers and it comes with large IT network based services. There are many other victims as well like Spain that are also taking same kind of measure to save the data and the organizations are telling employees to completely shut down the infected systems while they wait for the right set of directions about the challenge (Morehouse et al, 2017). Hospitals are actually the worst victim of this ransomware since they an urgency to store all the services for the sake of patients. This is why, these institution were more prone to pay to criminals in order to reinstate the system. They also usually make for an easy target for any kind of attacks. Healthcare and other similar sectors later tend to make the process slow to deal with number of vulnerabilities (Martin et al, 2017). Recommendation Following are detail discussion of recommendations: - It is important to immediately make some secure backups for the same which means when the files are properly encrypted the options are restricted. It is important to recover from the backup the data as soon as possible. Patching the system and properly updating is crucial step. Those people who include called as highly dangerous hole for security in Microsoft Windows users didnt apply Microsoft March with software fix and malware specifically designed to spread rapidly with proper government and business network (Martin et al, 2017). Usage of antivirus software: with the usage of antivirus software saves most fundamental and well known virus by properly scanning the system against all known fingerprints. There were number of criminals as well with low end advantages of less kind of savvy users with different viruses and malware is continuously transforming and antivirus is constantly detecting it (Martin et al, 2017). Education of the workforce: it is a basic level of protocol like focusing on the workers that should not click on any kind of doubtful links or suspicious sites that can save the bad cases. Conclusion The attack by WannaCry didnt just go after the NHS. The attack affected many organizations across different sectors and industries. The main aim is on supporting the company to manage the situation in a more swift and decisive manner (Martin et al, 2017). In certain ways, it makes things more worse and the system not just about coming out from the hospitals but it was about coming out from whatever situation it can. The situation is expected to get worse in future Reference Aker, J. C., Collier, P., Vicente, P. C. (2017). Is information power? Using mobile phones and free newspapers during an election in Mozambique.Review of Economics and Statistics. Ehrenfeld, J. M. (2017). WannaCry, Cybersecurity and Health Information Technology: A Time to Act.Journal of Medical Systems,41(7), 104. Hall, E. M., Acevedo, J., Lpez, F. G., Corts, S., Ferreccio, C., Smith, A. H., Steinmaus, C. M. (2017). Hypertension among adults exposed to drinking water arsenic in Northern Chile.Environmental research,153, 99-105. Hershey, M. R. (2017).Party politics in America. Taylor Francis. Martin, G., Martin, P., Hankin, C., Darzi, A., Kinross, J. (2017). Cybersecurity and healthcare: how safe are we?.Bmj,358, j3179. Mattei, T. A. (2017). Privacy, Confidentiality, and Security of Health Care Information: Lessons from the Recent WannaCry Cyberattack.World Neurosurgery,104, 972-974. Minnite, L. C. (2017).The Myth of Voter Fraud. Cornell University Press. Mohurle, S., Patil, M. (2017). A brief study of Wannacry Threat: Ransomware Attack 2017.International Journal,8(5). Morehouse, M. A., Loveck, T., Read, H., Woodman, M. (2017). Quantify? or, Wanna Cry? Integrating Methods Training in the IR Classroom.International Studies Perspectives,18(2), 225-245. Newman, L, H (2017). THE SCARILY COMMON SCREW-UP THAT EXPOSED 198 MILLION VOTER RECORDS Udani, A., Kimball, D. C. (2017). Immigrant Resentment and Voter Fraud Beliefs in the US Electorate.American Politics Research, 1532673X17722988.
Sunday, December 1, 2019
Julius Caesar Essays - Julius Caesar, Iulii, Cleopatra, Calpurnia
Julius Caesar The era of Julius Caesar was a time when many people's feelings toward the government began to change. This was one of the first times in Roman history when people began to question the power of their ruler. In the play, The Tragedy of Julius Caesar by William Shakespeare, we see a brief picture of this Roman life during the time of the First Triumvirate. In this snap shot, many unfortunate things occur as a result of these strong feelings towards the government of that time. Shakespeare gives us the idea that many people try to circumvent what the future holds, such as unfortunate things, by being superstitious. Superstition seems to play a role in the basic daily life of most Roman citizens, and exists as an important, deciding factor in the events and outcome of the play itself. The setting of the first scene of the play is based upon superstition. The Feast of Lupercal is in honor of the god Pan, the queen of fertility. During this time, infertile females are supposed to be able to procreate, and fertile ones are supposed to be able to bear more. It is also a supposed time of sexual glorification and happiness. Other scenes depict how mysterious sooth-sayers, who are supposedly given the power to predict the future, roam the streets of Rome. Dictating what is to come through terse tidbits, these people may also be looked upon as superstitious. In the opening scene, one sooth-sayer, old in his years, warns Caesar to "Beware the Ides of March," an admonition of Caesar's impending death. Although sooth-sayers are looked upon by many as insane, out of touch lower classmen, a good deal of them, obviously including the sayer Caesar encountered, are indeed right on the mark. Since they lack any formal office or shop, and they predict forthcomings without fee, one can see quite easily why citizens would distrust their predictions. Superstition, in general elements such as the Feast of Lupercal, as well as on a personal level such as with the sooth-sayers, is an important factor in determining the events and the outcome of The Tragedy of Julius Caesar, and a significant force throughout the entire course of the play. Before the play fully unravels, we see other signs of Caesar's tragic end. Aside from the sooth-sayer's warning, we see another sign during Caesar's visit with the Augerers, the latter day "psychics". They find "No heart in the beast", which they interpret as advice to Caesar that he should remain at home. Caesar brushes it off and thinks of it as a rebuke from the gods, meaning that he is a coward if he does not go out, and so he dismisses the wise advice as hearsay. However, the next morning, his wife Calpurnia wakes up frightened due to a horrible nightmare. She tells Caesar of a battle breaking out in the heart of Rome, "Which drizzled blood upon the Capitol," with Caesar painfully dying, such that "...The heavens themselves blaze forth the death of princes." Although Caesar realizes Calpurnia is truly concerned about his well being, he seeks another interpretation, coming to the conclusion that the person who imagines the dream may not be the wisest one to interpret it's meaning. Later Caesar tells his faithful companion Decius about it, and he interprets it quite the contrary, "That it was a vision fair and fortunate," and indeed, today is an ideal day to go out, since this is the day "To give a crown to mighty Caesar." Perhaps Decius is implying here that today is a day where much appreciation and appraisal will be given to Caesar, surely not the endangerment of his well being as Calpurnia interprets it. Caesar predictably agrees with him, as most citizens enjoy believing the more positive of two interpretations. After Caesar's assassination at the hand of Brutus, Cassius, and the rest of the conspirators, Brutus and Cassius are chased into the countryside, where we see a few superstitious signs of their forthcoming painful death in battle. In a dream, Brutus sees Caesar's "ghost", interpreted as an omen of his defeat. He also looks upon the ensign, and instead of the usual stock of eagles, ravens and kites replace them, construed as another sign of their loss at Phillipi. Not surprisingly, Caesar's death is avenged in the end, with two of the conspirators, Titanius and Brutus' double suicide. The play, The Tragedy of Julius Caesar, by William Shakespeare, clearly reveals how important superstition was to the people of Rome at the time of
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Microsoft Word Tips Adjusting Text Alignment - Get Proofed!
Microsoft Word Tips Adjusting Text Alignment - Get Proofed! Adjusting Text Alignment Good formatting is important. After all, you need your text to be easy to read, so it needs to be presented on the page (or screen) clearly and consistently. And text alignment is a big part of this. In this post, then, we’re looking at how to adjust the text alignment in Microsoft Word. Adjusting Text Alignment The alignment options in MS Word control how text is positioned in relation to the page margins. This can be controlled via the â€Å"Paragraph†section of the â€Å"Home†tab on the ribbon. From left to right: Align Left, Center, Align Right, and Justify. From left to right, you have four alignment options available. These are: Align Left – Used to align the text to the left margin Center – Used to position text centrally on the page Align Right – Used to align the text with the right margin Justify – Used to spread text evenly across the page so the first word on each line begins at the left margin and the last word ends at the right margin To apply formatting, simply select the relevant text (or place the cursor where you want to type) and select an alignment option. Alternatively, you can select the text you want to adjust and click the arrow in the bottom corner of the â€Å"Paragraph†section to open a new window. You can then select an option from the dropdown â€Å"Alignment†menu and click â€Å"OK.†The Paragraph menu. Which Option Should You Use? For the main body of your work, you have two main options: Align Left and Justify. Justify is popular because it creates neat blocks of text, so it looks tidy. It is also useful if you have multiple columns of text on the page (this is why newspapers and magazines often use justified text). Align Left is the default for most people, though, particularly in the publishing industry. This is because it’s easy to read and prevents â€Å"rivers†(i.e., vertical blank spaces) appearing in the text. Text alignment options. In most documents, Center should be saved for headings and subheadings. You might also use it for short passages that need to be set apart from the surrounding text. However, if you need to present a longer passage in the middle of the page, such as a block quote, you should use the indent options instead of alignment. Align Right, meanwhile, is not used for much at all. There are some rare occasions when it is useful, such as for positioning a caption relative to an image. Usually, though, it just makes things harder to read. The key with formatting in any document, however, is clarity and consistency. The best alignment option to pick is therefore the one that makes your document as easy to read as possible. If you need a little assistance with your formatting, though, get in touch to see how we can help.
Saturday, November 23, 2019
Quotes About Courage From the Cowardly Lion
Quotes About Courage From the Cowardly Lion The Cowardly Lion from The Wizard of Oz lives up to his name, at least at the beginning of the 1939 film. We eventually learn that hes not really a coward; rather, he thinks he is because he doesnt ​believe in himself. Before all is said and done, the Cowardly Lion performs several courageous acts without realizing his bravery. The Cowardly Lion Is Caught Faking Bravery The first time the Lion encounters Dorothy, the Scarecrow, and the Tin Man, Dorothy smacks him on the nose for being a bully. She quickly realizes hes all bluster: Dorothy: My goodness, what a fuss youre making! Well, naturally, when you go around picking on things weaker than you are. Why, youre nothing but a great big coward!Cowardly Lion: [crying] Youre right, I am a coward! I havent any courage at all. I even scare myself. [sobbing] Look at the circles under my eyes. I havent slept in weeks!Tin Man: Why dont you try counting sheep?Cowardly Lion: That doesnt do any good, Im afraid of em. The Cowardly Lions Funny Fear Quote The Cowardly Lion doesnt usually let his nervousness keep him from doing the right thing. He has a sense of humor about it, too. In one scene, he wants to be brave and save Dorothy but has to make a joke first: Cowardly Lion: All right, Ill go in there for Dorothy. Wicked Witch or no Wicked Witch, guards or no guards, Ill tear them apart. I may not come out alive, but Im going in there. Theres only one thing I want you fellows to do.Tin Man and Scarecrow: Whats that?Cowardly Lion: Talk me out of it! The Cowardly Lion Shows His Bravery By the time he encounters the Wicked Witchs palace guards, the Lion has had enough. If hes afraid, he doesnt show it (we suspect that he is but is putting on a brave front): Cowardly Lion: Put em up, put em up! Which one of you first? Ill fight you both together if you want. I’ll fight you with one paw tied behind my back. I’ll fight you standing on one foot. I’ll fight you with my eyes closed...oh, pullin’ an axe on me, eh? Sneaking up on me, eh? The Cowardly Lions Thoughts on Courage In his most famous song, the Lion muses on what it would be like if he had courage (not realizing he already has plenty): Cowardly Lion: [singing]Im afraid theres no denyinIm just a dandy-lionA fate I dont deserveIm sure I could show my prowessBe a lion, not a mouseIf I only had the nerve Just before meeting the Wizard in the Emerald City, the Cowardly Lion muses about what it would be like to be the king of the forest, imagining that everyone would respect and fear him: Dorothy: Your Majesty, if you were king, you wouldnt be afraid of anything?Cowardly Lion: Not nobody! Not nohow!Tin Man: Not even a rhinoceros?Cowardly Lion: Imposerous!Dorothy: How about a hippopotamus?Cowardly Lion: Why, Id thrash him from top to bottomus!Dorothy: Supposing you met an elephant?Cowardly Lion: Id wrap him up in cellophane!Scarecrow: What if it were a brontosaurus?Cowardly Lion: Id show him who was king of the forest!
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Summary of NY Times article Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Summary of NY Times article - Essay Example This includes the local immigrant community and government officials Mexican families are exceptionally closely associated with each other according to the article. It is a cultural reality which is well demonstrated by this network of people and agencies that ensure the bodies of immigrants are buried in their Mexican homeland. It seems that any family in any country would want the remains of a family member to be returned home from a foreign country, that this is not unique to Mexican families. The government of Mexico, through agencies located in the U.S., assists with paperwork and some or all expenses in the transport of the deceased but most countries do the same. In addition, it seems that the Mexican community, family and friends in the U.S. help out less because of the traditionally strong family bonds present in Mexican society but more so as a result of the new bonds that were generated as a result of being part of a small group of immigrants. They speak the same language thus are drawn tightly together in the unfamiliar new culture. The article suggests that most Mexican immigrants to not intend to stay in the U.S. permanently which is evidenced by the fact that they are sent home to be buried after they die. This may be true but the reasoning given lacks credibility. The tradition of being sent home when one dies does in no way indicate that this was their intention when alive. Many would argue that most immigrants have no intention of crossing back over the border as evidenced by the 12 to 20 million people who are living in the U.S. illegally at present. Measuring intent is difficult at best but the latter argument is more substantive. The ‘industry rising’ Porter refers to in the headline of the article suggests that a new economic opportunity has arisen from transporting the bodies of deceased immigrants back to Mexico yet no where in the article is this inference substantiated. The Mexican
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
The market for health insurance Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 5000 words
The market for health insurance - Essay Example Rises in health insurance covers, has besmirched access to health cover (Berkowitz 30-45). Presently 7 percent of the United States nonelderly, acquire coverage through personal strategies bought frankly from insurance providers. Numerous plans at the national state and centralized, in addition to the standard propositions using the personal health insurance market as way of growing access to reasonable health policies. States license bodies that provide health insurance coverage and have determined laws that regulate their structure, finances, and responsibilities to the people that they insure (Berkowitz 46). Introduction Health care costs in the US, which have escalated quickly in actual terms in the last few decades, have put pressure on the state and national budgets. Future expansion in health insurance costs is estimated to threaten the monetary status of state and national governments unless primary strategy transformations take place. Also, for many American citizens, the la ck of health insurance coverage sophisticates access to health care. Health insurance markets are frequently focused on a single insurer accounting for over 50 percent of the market. Issues about focus on health insurance markets are connected to broader issues about the cost, value, and accessibility of health care. The market structure of the health insurance and hospital commerce may have helped is increasing health care costs and in restricting access to inexpensive health insurance and health care. Some debate market focus has amounted to higher care prices. Higher cost of health care or health insurance may then make health care less inexpensive and consequently less available for some homesteads. Patrons in the personal and small group markets characteristically face specifically challenging situations. Whilst health insurance purchased in the personal market has the advantages of being portable, and potentially being an enhanced match to an individual’s predilection f or health coverage than standards purchased via group strategies, it does have elements of essential concern. Amid these issues is how regulations and edicts surrounding the personal insurance market reflects is potential to meet numerous population needs. It is needed to comprehend these concerns to establish how market transformations would interrelate with these policies (Henderson 10-15). Others, nevertheless, agree that health care givers with strong bargaining weight should assist restrict health providers’ potential to increase costs, and that the advantage of minimal premiums coming from the potential to negotiate may be passed along to patrons. Some commerce analysts have expressed competition amid primary health care providers as strong, and some pricing trends show that competing has stalwartly impacted on insurers’ market plans. Additionally, some argue that economies of scale along with state and national control have contributed to the increasing level of focus on health insurance markets. The Obama government has made transformation of the American health insurance and health care structure utmost policy precedence. Numerous congressional attempt at broadening access to health insurance by rising the number of Americans with health care coverage, by minimizing the price of insurance faced by persons, by offering sturdy incentives for persons
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Temporary Assistance to Needy Families Program Essay Example for Free
Temporary Assistance to Needy Families Program Essay The Temporary Assistance to Needy Families (TANF) program was a direct response to overhaul the image of welfare programs. In 1996, it replaced such programs as Aid to Families with dependent Children (AFDC), the Job Opportunity and Basic Skills training program (JOBS) and the Emergency Assistance Program (EA). The objective of TANF was to implement useful policies from the previous three programs and present an effective welfare plan based not only on needs but presentation of policies that involved job preparation and improving conditions for work and a stable marriage (About TANF). The goals of this program are further summarized including assistance to needed families so that the children can be cared for at homes, promotion of social opportunities, prevention of out-of-wedlock pregnancies and encouraging the maintenance of two parent families. To achieve its objective, the US government adjusted the system to be administered through various State, territories and tribal agencies instead of a direct supervision by the Federal government. The primary reason for such a decision was to distribute the program funding in a more effective manner and hold each regulating body responsible for fulfilling the objectives of TANF. For this very purpose, the TANF Bureau was formed which comprises of five separate divisions including a Division of State TANF Policy dedicated to role out policies and guidance; Division of State and Territory TANF Management to provide technical assistance; Division of Data Collection Analysis that deals with the statistical analysis of the collected data; Division of Tribal TANF Management which deals with all aspects of tribal matters pertaining to the program and TANF Bureau Regional Program Units that provides technical and management links between the State and other administration blocks. Difference in Policies What differentiates this welfare program for its predecessors is the fact that TANF ends the open ended requirement of AFDC for automatic assistance but instead provides grants based on work requirements for a majority of recipients. It also initiates a time limit for the distribution of grant in order to stop the otherwise ineffective distribution and dependence on State’s funding. Under a unified umbrella of policies, TANF has implemented different policies to better answer the critics of welfare system by designing new rules for qualification and introducing time constraints to prevent future generation from such grants by helping them gain financial freedom. Almost every aspect of old system is challenged by proposing new policies for child care, legal immigrants, food stamp program and Supplementary Security Income. While TANF is not a perfect program but it will not be an oversimplification to state that the wide ranging implications of introducing new and useful policies are much better than the previous stand-alone program. Although, it should well be recognized that TANF is basically just another system of a perceived welfare State that is America but it definitely provides future policymakers a model for improvements in the existing TANF and related welfare programs. Benefits One of such benefits under TANF is eliminating homelessness for people who are in desperate need. It is important to note that most participants who used to get homelessness assistance in previous programs without restrictions are not eligible under TANF. For a person to take such assistance, TANF requires that the benefits allotted to a participant must be designed to deal with crisis situation and it must only be for four months. Such rules provide credence to the idea that the State funds will not be over utilized by mass and if work conditions improve for homeless people, they would be able to better equip themselves after four months. To critics, it must be evident that TANF do provides legislations where certain people are indeed eligible for long term ongoing assistance with the housing that can extend beyond five years but it too instructs participants to actively involve in work and assign their child support rights to the State. These provisions are in exclusion to the other basic requirements for TANF. There are numerous States and related agencies that have successfully implemented the homelessness program to allow their residents settle down. Almost half of the States are providing short term assistance to people needing short term rental assistance, support for a solution to eviction and utility shut off (Jennifer, 2001). These also include emergency housing shelters as well as temporary shelter. Looking objectively into such type of assistance we can draw conclusions that the State is supporting the idea of a true welfare State by not relying on using welfare money solely for homelessness but instead distribute grants to a variety of aspects that may not have a stigma of welfare related to them. Drawbacks On the contrary time limits and such constraints do provide sustenance to the cause of TANF but it is clear from several studies including the of Urban Institute that there is a constant need for regular upgrading of the program. According to the statistics, more than 50 percent of the participants who have received welfare in the past are now working in low income jobs without any benefits at all. Still more concerning are figures which indicates that most of the parents who received funding and were able to find work have now been laid of due to the economic recession and high unemployment rates. This act has resulted in their ineligibility to receive any more funding from the program for another five years (Temp Assistance). Therefore, the committee recommended that there should be a clean long term extension of the prevailing laws so that families in need of welfare should not only be depended on welfare but rather be able to support themselves in the long run. Official Public View of the success of TANF Some of the States such as District of Columbia are trying to establish a coherent program by involving public in its annual budget meetings. Such a meeting took place in March 2009, where members of the public provided their opinion on how to better administer the funds. From the public remarks, it seems that there is a wide held belief that any welfare should not just be a temporary relief but supplement the future of the participant. The director of Human Services which oversees the DC TANF program was of the view that their TANF program should bring the people in workforce and support them to be self sufficient before taking them off welfare (Greg). His remarks were coherent with the level of TANF assistance and funds didn’t rise with inflation which has made it difficult for the participants to support their children. The committee further states that the State budget didn’t take into account COLA which has resulted in less aid than actually perceived. Experts now believe that the Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act PWRORA that was introduced in 1996 is becoming a success but such a success can only be retained with constant evaluation and new policies (Turner J). In a testimony before congress in 2002, Jason Turner, responsible for domestic policy making at Heritage Foundation pointed out there was an urgent need to strengthen work requirements because the participants at that time were able to receive full funding without actively engaging in their quota of work. He insisted that the policies be made more stringent by requiring participants to come to work and cash be distributed based on the actual hours worked and not the perceived time. Furthermore, he provided evidence that the budget of TANF program can be reduced to 10 percent without disrupting all the useful funding. Such recommendations by public representatives is a clear indication of the theories as presented by social scientists who want to see a true Welfare State based on the principles of equality and opportunity. In a series of reports published by the Urban Institute, the authors proclaim that TANF’s emphasis on work has improved results for million of families but there is a need for a long term broader perspective on the issue. One such study extol the Program benefits only if Congress can reauthorize the implementation of the new policies that has made it difficult for some hard to serve groups to take full advantage of the program structure. It points out the fact that the most common employment barriers for individuals who stay on welfare or leave without work are poor health lack of recent work experience and access to higher education. The numbers provided were three years after PWRORA initiation but provided staggering figures constituting almost 35 to 50 percent of the program participants being affected (Loprest Zedelewski). Program Implementation It is a fact that various territories and tribes can not only participate in the program but are eligible to run it on their own management principles. While it is true, another report by Urban Institute submitted to the Department of Health and Human Service concluded that there were several factors which were feasible for the implementation of TANF in the tribal areas. Such factors included improvement of TANF objectives and outcomes, extension of tribal self determination, enhanced program coordination and improvement of reputation and image (Just Harvest Publications). On the other hand, it also concluded that costs, staffing problems, risk of new program and communication with State and Counties were barrier to the acceptance of such a program. The TANF is definitely a step towards realizing the goal of a true Welfare State where meaning of welfare is not imbedded in perceived images nor attributed to poor class. While it is true that there are shortcomings in the program but such limitations can adequately be addressed by constant debates, changes in policies and regular reauthorization of TANF. In his book, The Assault on Social Policy prominent social scientist William Roth describes a well balanced welfare program as the one that only provides a limited support thus promoting a desire to work (Roth, W: p. 64). In fact such a policy would have been appreciated by Michael Katz who was a fervent supporter of a welfare plan which doesn’t’ portray beneficiary as a recipient of welfare but instead someone who has the right to receive aid to support their families.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Improving Mother/Daughter Relationships in Amy Tan’s Joy Luck Club Essa
Improving Mother/Daughter Relationships in Amy Tan’s Joy Luck Club One day everything is going great, in fact things could not be better and then you say something and your friend turns to you and says â€Å"oh my god, you sounded just like your mother†. That is when you freak out and think to yourself it is true I am turning into my mother. This is every daughters worst nightmare come true. When a young girl is growing up her mother always says and does things that the girl vows she will never say and do but she does. Very rarely do we see cases of women wanted to be like their mother but it usually happens even if they do not want it to. In the book The Joy Luck Club by Amy Tan tells stories of four Chinese immigrant mothers and their relationships with the American born daughters. In this novel, Tan shows us the struggle these mothers face in teaching their American daughters about their heritage. Throughout the novel it becomes evident that the daughters feel it is important to learn about their history and dev elop stronger relationships with their mothers Throughout the novel the reader is introduced to the characters one by one learning about their past and their present lives.  Each chapter deals with individual stories of relationships between husband and wife, mother and daughter, and even daughter and daughter. Every story helps the reader learn how important the mother daughter relationship is in The Joy Luck Club. First, Suyuan Woo who is actually dead but story is told by her daughter Jing-Mei Woo. Suyuan Woo started the Joy Luck Club when she came to America so she and other Chinese immigrants could talk about Chinese culture and how to carry on traditions and make living conditions better for her... us that for young women to understand themselves they must understand their mothers. The mother daughter relationship in The Joy Luck Club is illustrated through a learning process especially in Waverly and Jing-Mei’s situations.  Each women has to learn though her mother and her own feelings what it is like to become Chinese because that is basically what this book’s theme is. Through the novel the women are developing mentally through experience some positive and some negative. Each women finds herself through her mother and comes to peace with themselves Work Cited Tan, Amy. The Joy Luck Club. New York: Random House, 1989. Sources Consulted Do, Thuan Thi. Chinese-American Women in American Culture. 1992 Jokinen, Anniina. Anniina's Amy Tan Page. 1996
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
My Broter my executioner Essay
When Luis returned to Sipnget for vacation after being unable to visit for years because of studying and then now because of work he visited his grandfather and his mother, but originally he decided to go back to visit his ailing father, Don Vicente. He planned to stay for weeks even for a month but then he suddenly changed his mind when he realized that the place had already changed a lot, his brother is not there and more over his mother and grand father has gone believing that his father and all the rich people should give up their wealth to the poor. He couldn’t take it. And, also there was the Hukbalahap which is against the Japanese and the elite’s he couldn’t take it anymore. Before leaving first thing in the morning the next day he heard his father shout in surprise and when he ran to look after him he saw the window glass of his father’s room was broken and a stone wrapped in paper was on the floor, when his father picked it up and then read the message it says that â€Å"he should give all he has to those who deserves it better the poor.†Luis, stunned by what he saw was also wondering who did it. He kept thinking but only one suspect is fitted with the situation. It’s his brother Victor who is very best at using slingâ€â€sling was the best thing to use to throw a stone trough the mansion’s security. After that, Luis fled off back to manila and then there was a time that Victor came to him and asks for his supportâ€â€just the same as to the message his father got, back to Sipnget. What is the conflict of the story? Thus, the brothers had different personalities, beliefs, views and status in life. They met again as both friends and foes. These are their misunderstandings as brothers. Luis considers himself liberal. He is against the goals of his brother which is to put down his status as a wealthy landowner for the benefit of the poor. What is the climax of the story? He returned to Rosales. He came home together with Trining, his female cousin, who studies in the convent. In order for the Asperris to preserve their wealth, Luis married Trining. After sometime, she got pregnant. But in manila, Luis also had an affair with his manager’s daughter – Ester – which is also Trining’s best friend. But because they quarreled one night, Ester disappeared and was found out to be dead. He then found out from his mother that his half-brother Victor became the commander of Hukbalahap (hukbong bayan laban sa mga hapon) which is against rich people and feudal landowners. What is the resolution? At the end of the story, Vic warned them about the Huks. He told him to leave the place. But they didn’t listen. Trining got shot and died. Luis then revenged and fought for his status and for the death of his wife. VI.REACTION TO THE NOVEL This story is a must read for everyone for it elaborates on the political structures and some aspects of the Philippine history. It is also somewhat similar to Jose Rizal’s Noli me Tangere and el Filibusterismo. Reading it really requires full attention for them to be able to grasp the meaning of the story. Although the theme tackles more on political life of the rural people, readers can still be caught by romance in some chapters, particularly to Luis, and his affection for 2 women, Trining and Ester. When Trining died I felt sorry for both the main character and her. As said Luis took revenge for his status and his wife so that settles it because I definitely like to have my revenge if it was me. Good for Luis he is elite so he didn’t feel so down and he had the power to do so. I was surprised to read the incest situation in the novel I couldn’t bring myself to believe but the writer simply made it as if it was real. I fell thinking, are there many incest here in our country just to preserve their pure elite blood? I felt being more understanding to respect everyone’s choices for they have their own motives. My understanding of people’s motives has now been clear to me that everything has a cause and that cause might be good or bad but still we follow what we believe because we are humans we can decide for our own. While reading I found some Filipino values depicted in the novel and they we’re: the true love and respect of family members. Patience, dignity, disciplines and being responsibleâ€â€they were all shown with great passion. From what I now observe in our system as Filipinos we must keep deep understanding between the poor and the rich. Now we have this border that keeps our world apart that sparks a revolution against each other. We must learn to understand, listen and share. VII.BIOGRAPHY OF THE AUTHOR F. Sionil Josà © or in full Francisco Sionil Josà © (born December 3, 1924) is one of the most widely-read Filipino writers in the English language. His novels and short stories depict the social underpinnings of class struggles and colonialism in Filipino society. Josà ©Ã¢â‚¬â„¢s works – written in English – have been translated into 22 languages, including Korean, Indonesian, Russian, Latvaian, Ukrainian, Dutch. Childhood Josà © was born in Rosales, Pangasinan, the setting of many of his stories. He spent his childhood in Barrio Cabugawan, Rosales, where he first began to write. Jose was of Ilocano descent whose family had migrated to Pangasinan before his birth. Fleeing poverty, his forefathers traveled from Ilocos towards Cagayan Valley through the Santa Fe Trail. Like many migrant families, they brought their lifetime possessions with them, including uprooted molave posts of their old houses and their alsong, a stone mortar for pounding rice. Life as a writer Josà © attended the University of Santo Tomas after World War II, but dropped out and plunged into writing and journalism in Manila. In subsequent years, he edited various literary and journalistic publications, started a publishing house, and founded the Philippine branch of PEN, an international organization for writers. Josà © received numerous awards for his work. The Pretenders is his most popular novel, which is the story of one man’s alienation from his poor background and the decadence of his wife’s wealthy family. Throughout his career, Josà ©Ã¢â‚¬â„¢s writings espouse social justice and change to better the lives of average Filipino families. He is one of the most critically acclaimed Filipino authors internationally, although much underrated in his own country because of his authentic Filipino English and his anti-elite views. Sionil Josà © also owns Solidaridad Bookshop, which is on Padre Faura Street in Ermita, Manila. The bookshop offers mostly hard-to-find books and Filipiniana reading materials. It is said to be one of the favorite haunts of many local writers. Works Rosales Saga novels A five-novel series that spans three centuries of Philippine history, widely read around the world and translated into 22 languages * Po-on (Dusk) (English, 1984) * The Pretenders (1962) * My Brother, My Executioner (1973) * Mass (December 31, 1974) * Tree (1978) Original novels containing the Rosales Saga * Dusk (Po-on) (1993) * Don Vicente (1980) – Tree and My Brother, My Executioner combined in one book * The Samsons Other novels * Gagamba (The Spider Man) (1991) * Viajero (1993) * Sin (1994) * Ben Singkol (2001) * Ermita * Vibora! (2007) * Sherds (2008) Short story collection * The God Stealer and Other Short Stories (2001) * Puppy Love and Other Short Stories (March 15, 1998) * Olvidon and Other Stories (1988) * Platinum: Ten Filipino Stories (1983) (now out of print, its stories are added to the new version of Olvidon and Other Stories) * Waywaya: Eleven Filipino Short Stories (1980) * Asian PEN Anthology (as editor) (1966) * Short Story International (SSI): Tales by the World’s Great Contemporary Writers (Unabridged, Volume 13, Number 75) (co-author, 1989) Children’s books †¢ The Molave and The Orchid (November 2004) Verses * Questions (1988) Essays and non-fiction * In Search of the Word (De La Salle University Press, March 15, 1998) * We Filipinos: Our Moral Malaise, Our Heroic Heritage * Soba, Senbei and Shibuya: A Memoir of Post-War Japan * Heroes in the Attic, Termites in the Sala: Why We are Poor (2005) * This I Believe: Gleanings from a Life in Literature (2006) * Literature and Liberation (co-author) (1988) In translation * Po-on (Tagalog language, De La Salle University Press, 1998) * Anochecer (Littera) (Spanish language, Maeva, October 2003) In anthologies * Tong (a short story from Brown River, White Ocean: An Anthology of Twentieth-Century Philippine Literature in English by Luis Francia, Rutgers University Press, August 1993 In film documentaries * Francisco Sionil Josà © – A Filipino Odyssey by Art Makosinski, 1996 Awards * Ramon Magsaysay Memorial Awards for Journalism, Literature and Creative Communication Arts (1980) * National Artist Award for Literature (2001)[8] * Pablo Neruda Centennial Award (2004) * Palanca Awards
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Critically evaluate the impact behaviourism has had on psychology Essay
Critically evaluate the impact behaviourism has had on psychology For hundreds of years philosophers speculated about â€Å"the mind†and in around the 1880’s the popular method of psychology dealt only with the conscious mind. The experiments carried out at this time were criticised for their lack of objectivity and by the 1920’s a new brand of psychology emerged in the form of behaviourism. Psychology became a recognised discipline in around 1897 when Wilhelm Wundt started the first psychology lab in Germany. Wundt, along with others, attempted to investigate the mind through introspection, and observed their own conscious mental processes. While analysing their thoughts, images and feelings, they recorded and measured their results under controlled conditions and aimed to sort conscious thought into its basic elements as a chemist would with a chemical compound. This theory was known as structuralism. A particular critic of this method, in the early 1920’s was John Broadus Watson (1878-1958), who felt that introspection was subjective and therefore erroneous. He also felt the only way forward was by using methods that could be observed by more that just one person and this could be achieved by studying behaviour. He wrote that â€Å"Behaviourism claims that ‘consciousness’ is neither a definable nor a usable concept; that it is merely another word for the ‘soul’ of more ancient times.†(Watson 1924) Behaviourist theories of learning are often called â€Å"stimulus-response†(S-R), and though only classical conditioning fits the S-R model, the other major form, operant conditioning, is often included under the same heading, though it is significantly different. Classical conditioning is triggered involuntarily by a particular environmental stimulus. This means that a stimulus that does not normally produce a particular response can be paired with another stimulus that does, eventually resulting in both stimuli inducing the same effect, even when used separately. A good example of this was shown in the first experiments by Ivan Petrovich Pavlov (1849-1936) in the early 20th Century. During other research work he noticed that dogs often salivated before they were given any food, and even when they looked at food. This sometimes went as far as the dog salivating when he heard the approaching footsteps of the laboratory assistant bringing the food. Pavlovs observations used food as an unconditional stimulus and the salivating was an unconditioned response, an automatic reflex response. During the experiment a bell was paired with the food and referred to as a conditioned stimulus. It was neutral to begin with and got no response from the dog except for a passing interest. After the bell and food had been paired for some time the dog began to salivate at the sound of the bell and before the food was shown. The salivation was then a conditioned response as it was produced by the bell (conditioned stimulus). In 1920 Watson took this work further when he attempted a similar study on an 11month old boy called Albert. He used a rat as the original stimulus, and Albert showed no fear of it. He paired the rat with an unconditioned stimulus, which in this case was a hammer hitting a four foot steel bar close to Alberts head, which frightened the child and made him cry. After about 50 pairings Albert was afraid of the rat which had by this time become the conditioned stimulus. The conditioned response (fear) spontaneously transferred to other items which included a white rabbit, a sealskin coat, cotton wool, Watsons hair and a Santa mask. Though it was less severe, the conditioning persisted even after a month and Albert’s mother removed him from the hospital.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Free Essays on Paul Of Tarsus
It was A.D. 6 and Augustus Caesar ruled the land. The Roman Empire stretched from Spain to Syria. It was the â€Å"golden age†of literature. The official state religion was that of worshiping the Greco-Roman gods and goddesses. The Romans had cults of household and rural spirits other than the formal official religion. Unfortunately these practices failed to please many people. Many mystery religions flooded the western world of the Early Empire. Another religion at the time was Judaism. Jesus of Nazareth altered that religion. After His death and resurrection, disciples followed in His footsteps and continued to spread His word. Paul was a disciple of Jesus. Paul of Tarsus was the most important figure in early Christianity after Christ because he provided a universal foundation for the spread of Jesus’ ideas, reached out to gentiles (non-Jews), and transformed Christianity from a Jewish sect into a broader religious movement. Augustus Caesar, referred to as the princeps (first among equals), ruled the Roman Empire. He ended the civil wars, which greatly increased his popularity. He controlled his army and at the same time kept the peace among the citizens. He added a lot of territory to the Roman Empire. Its boundaries included â€Å"Armenia, middle Mesopotamia, the Arabian Desert, Nubia, the Sahara, the Moroccan mountain mass, the North Sea, the Rhine, the Danube, the Black Sea, and the Caucasus†(The Roman Empire). The 200 years of peace known as the Pax Romana began in his rule (The Roman Empire). Roman society in the early empire was a system of social status. Roman citizens were divided into three basic classes: the sentorial, equestrian, and lower classes. The sentorial was the most powerful and wealthiest class. A Roman citizen had to be in good standing and own property valued 400,000 sesterces could be an equestrian. The majority of the population was in the lower classes. They had no political power... Free Essays on Paul Of Tarsus Free Essays on Paul Of Tarsus It was A.D. 6 and Augustus Caesar ruled the land. The Roman Empire stretched from Spain to Syria. It was the â€Å"golden age†of literature. The official state religion was that of worshiping the Greco-Roman gods and goddesses. The Romans had cults of household and rural spirits other than the formal official religion. Unfortunately these practices failed to please many people. Many mystery religions flooded the western world of the Early Empire. Another religion at the time was Judaism. Jesus of Nazareth altered that religion. After His death and resurrection, disciples followed in His footsteps and continued to spread His word. Paul was a disciple of Jesus. Paul of Tarsus was the most important figure in early Christianity after Christ because he provided a universal foundation for the spread of Jesus’ ideas, reached out to gentiles (non-Jews), and transformed Christianity from a Jewish sect into a broader religious movement. Augustus Caesar, referred to as the princeps (first among equals), ruled the Roman Empire. He ended the civil wars, which greatly increased his popularity. He controlled his army and at the same time kept the peace among the citizens. He added a lot of territory to the Roman Empire. Its boundaries included â€Å"Armenia, middle Mesopotamia, the Arabian Desert, Nubia, the Sahara, the Moroccan mountain mass, the North Sea, the Rhine, the Danube, the Black Sea, and the Caucasus†(The Roman Empire). The 200 years of peace known as the Pax Romana began in his rule (The Roman Empire). Roman society in the early empire was a system of social status. Roman citizens were divided into three basic classes: the sentorial, equestrian, and lower classes. The sentorial was the most powerful and wealthiest class. A Roman citizen had to be in good standing and own property valued 400,000 sesterces could be an equestrian. The majority of the population was in the lower classes. They had no political power...
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
Reasons to Study and Get a Degree in Economics
Reasons to Study and Get a Degree in Economics Economics has a reputation (but not among economists!) as a somewhat dry topic. Its a generalization thats wrong in several ways. First of all, economics isnt a single topic, but rather many topics. Its an approach that lends itself to many different fields, from microeconomics to industrial organization, government, econometrics, game theory and dozens of other fields. You may not enjoy some of these fields, but if you are fascinated by the complexity of capitalism and would like to understand better how things work in a capitalist society, youll probably find at least one of these areas that youll really enjoy. Terrific Job Opportunities for Economics Graduates There are many opportunities for economics graduates. You are not guaranteed a good-paying job with an economics degree, but your chances are higher than in many other programs. With an economics degree, you can work in a variety of different fields from finance and banking to public policy, sales and marketing, civil service (government departments, the Federal Reserve, etc.), insurance and actuarial work. You can also go on to do further studies in economics, political science, business, or a variety of other fields. If youre certain your interest is in the business world, a business degree may also be a good fit, but an economics degree does open a lot of doors. Economics Knowledge Is Useful at a Personal Level When pursuing a degree in economics, youll learn a lot of skills and knowledge that you can apply to other jobs or to your personal life. Learning about interest rates, exchange rates, economic indicators and equity markets can help you make better decisions about investing and obtaining mortgages. As computers become more and more important in both our business and private lives, being able to use data intelligently gives you a tremendous advantage over persons with fewer skills who make a lot of decisions on impulse. Economists Understand Unintended Consequences Economics teaches students how to understand and spot secondary effects and possible unintended consequences. Most economics problems have secondary effects - the deadweight loss from taxation is one such secondary effect. A government creates a tax to pay for some needed social program, but if the taxation is careless crafted, a secondary effect of that tax may be that it changes peoples behavior, causing economic growth to slow. By learning more about economics and working on hundreds of economics problems, you will learn to spot secondary effects and unintended consequences in other areas. This can help you make better decisions about your personal life and make you more valuable to business; what are the possible secondary effects from the proposed marketing campaign? It likely wont help you get a job, but being able to spot and understand the importance of secondary effects, may help you to keep a job or earn a promotion that much faster. Economics Provides an Understanding of How the World Works You will learn more about how the world works. You will learn more about the impact decisions have on specific firms, entire industries, and on a national level. You will learn more about the impact of international trade, both good and bad. You will discover the effect government policies have on the economy and on employment; again both good and bad. It will help you make more informed decisions as both a consumer and as a voter. The country needs better-informed politicians. Economics is a very good way of improving public sector performance and Economics gives us all the tools to think of things more clearly and to understand the implications of assumptions we may be making.
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Five Roots of American Music Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Five Roots of American Music - Essay Example Singular interest is given to each group's exceptional history and occurrence in American ethnicity and humanity; examination of each group's musical customs from a techno and an artistic outlook; and in order of development of listening and expressive dexterity through a range of media including films and recordings (Portia ,2006) Part 2 By 1492, there hundreds of Native Americans living in the United States and adopted their own musical traditions who played rattles, drums, sang, danced and played rasps. This form of music was passed on from one community through oral means by their ancestors. The Native Americans considered singing as one of their most important part of their lives. Spiritual power was called upon through the usage of rhythm instruments when singing, the most common instrument in rhythm being the drums and rattles. (Portia, 2006)Whistles were also used as a way of calling people who were at a distance and also used to pass on warnings to others. The European Ameri cans came to existence in the United States primarily because in the ancient history, the United States had a policy that admitted more immigrants from the European countries thus resulted in large number of European settlers in America. As expected, (Joyner, 2006) the Europeans also adopted their culture of music since they were diverse in their own history. They had three categories of music that included: religious, classical and also popular music. The religious music was the earliest type of music brought to America by the European settlers. This religious music showed the practices of catholic and protestant religion. (Portia, 2006) Part 3 The Asian America arrived in the 19th century for economics purposes. The Asian American adopted the cultural music and was popular during ceremonial and ritual activities as a way of expressing their social and religious views. ( Joyner, 2006) Africa America music came to existence in the late 1890s and included a variety of styles used in expressing it. This included; blues, jazz, rhythm, raps, souls and ragtime. They have a single trait that is unique of the African and American ideology. This history blended with change in culture of the African American culture. The African America way of music was considered as the music of the slaves and then it became the music of the freed slaves. The African America was recruited as slaves who worked for the whites in colonies and were subjected to torture in the American land. Part 4 The Europeans came to spread religious views and also wanted to spread their culture n the United States that they had migrated to. This facilitated the means and way of intermingle ling among the two subjects. (George, 2005)The Native American was settlers who consisted of a certain tribe of Indian origin and had settled in the America in the 17th century. Many of the settlers wee religious people and also practiced singing through the use of drums and trumpets. This perfected the art of music as they also included the use of playing guitars and even saxophones. Meanwhile in the African American, there was revolution of music as blues, raps and souls came to being popular among the black people that were living as slaves in the United States of America. This form of music was readily accepted by the local residents including the immigrants from Europe. They viewed this type of music as being artistic in nature and that it promoted peace among them. This form of pop music and rap was used during occasions like ceremonies, parties and
Thursday, October 31, 2019
The Tempest for Shakespeare Act I Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
The Tempest for Shakespeare Act I - Assignment Example There are two factions in the ship. One consists of the passengers, made up of Gonzalo and his party, and the other faction consists of the crew. In the middle is the boatswain, who acts as a stabilizing figure and the key point of contact between the crew and the passengers. The factions are characterized by their actions and their roles. The crew are active and ordered upon, while the passengers are good for nothing but to get out of the way of the crew while they do their work (Shakespeare). In this passage Gonzalo speaks and expresses his confidence in the talents and the fate of the boatswain, who was in effect in charge of stabilizing the ship and making sure that it survives the natural calamity buffeting it from all sides. The boatswain is the stabilizing force who is not fated to die in that storm, in that ship. This implies that the ship will survive the storm intact. Gonzalo is saying that either this is true, or else if the boatswain is not fated to die by hanging, then the entire ship and its crew and passengers are all doomed. On the other hand, Gonzalo is being sarcastic too, because the boatswain was rude to them. He was saying too that the boatswain by his rudeness ought to die by hanging rather than by the elements/storm. So they should get through the storm safely
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Effective visual communication Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Effective visual communication - Research Paper Example Information graphics is a relatively general term that refers to a kind of graphic image that is intended to convey complex information in a simple way. According to Doug Newsom and Jim Haynes (2004), this can include charts, diagrams, graphs, tables, maps or lists. Thus, the information graphic can contain within it all of the other recognized forms of visual communication – symbols and signs, shapes and colors, images and groups of images, charts and graphs, typography and cartoons and illustrations as long as these are used as a means of communicating a unified meaning. An example of information graphics use in my presentation can be found on the fifth slide of my power point. This graphic provides a simple illustration of a human arm and shoulder area. The unified meaning of this illustrated graphic is to explain the placement of the arteries of the arm. This is made clear by the all-capital-lettered title placed slightly to one side of the image an d the fact that the details of the image include enough shape to define it as a human arm and enough inner detail to define the bones and arteries but nothing else. The names of these arteries are printed in a simple sans-serif font so that they will be easily read even from a far distance and they are related to the appropriate shape within the image by the common sign of a line connecting text to graphic. The first element to be considered in the creation of information graphics is the use of symbols and signs.Â
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Cultural Events in Penang as a Tourist Destination
Cultural Events in Penang as a Tourist Destination Pulau Pinang or Penang is one of the unique and attractive places in Malaysia with its many cultures which make Penang one of tourists favorite places and tourists attractions. Basically, Penang is famous for their food, religions, cultures and tourism site. According to the UNESCO Worlds Heritage Site of Georgetown says that there are many religions, cultures and foods in Penang, therefore they can blend it well together to make Penang one of the well known states in Malaysia [1]. There is press statement by YB Danny Law Heng Kiang the Penang State Exco for Tourism Development and Culture said that Penang is ranked in the third place under Kuala Lumpur, and Genting Highland (Pahang) for their tourism destination in Malaysia [1]. At first, Malacca is on top of Penang as tourism destination because they receive approximately 8.9 million tourist arrival in the year 2009. Unfortunately, that statement by Datuk Seri Dr. Ng Yen Yen may be a mistake because as we can see from the table 2, Penang has more tourists arrival compare to Malacca [1]. According Britannica Concise Encyclopedia, Penang is an island with an area of 108 sq mi/280 sq km and it is known as one of the busiest ports in the past and it is located in the straits of Malacca, on the North-West Coast of Malaysia. Penang is very famous for their beautiful beaches and islands, foods, cultural, religions and many more [2]. During 16th century, Portuguese merchants Penang was travel from Goa (India) to Far East search for spices, fresh water so they stopped in Penang. In 1786, Penang was very popular among the pirates because they steal ships that cross along Straits of Malacca. At one point, Penang became popular in 18th century and at the same time, Captain Francis Light enter to Penang and start to have good relationship with the locals and also the Sultan of Kedah in 1771. Unfortunately, at that moment itself Sultan of Kedah handed Penang to Captain Francis Light in order to get protection against the threats of Burmese and Siamese. After that, they called Penang as Prince of Wales Island and after the settlement; Sultan Abdullah found out that he is being cheated by the British by not willing to offer protection thus he gathered his army to retake Penang. Lastly, after extensive years of struggling between the locals and the British, Malaysia achieves independence in 31st August 1957 and Penang is one of the 13 states. Penang now is known as Pulau Pinang [3]. What is the Culture in Penang? The cultures in Penang are very unique and most of the tourists interested to know more about Penangs culture. In 2008, the population is Penang approximately 2 million on the island and 1 million is in Seberai Prai which consists of 42% Chinese, 41% Malay, 10% for Indian and also 5% for the Peranakan or Baba Nyonya. Baba Nyonyas culture in Penang is different from Malacca. Baba Nyonyas in Malacca can speak fluent Malay whereby in Penang, the Baba Nyonyas speaks mixture of Hokkien, Malay and English and most of the Baba Nyonyas in Penang still practice their Chinese religion and ancestral worshipping [4]. Basically, language that being spoken in Penang is Malay language whereby English and the Chinese (Hokkien) also being spoken widely in Penang. And lastly the Tamil language is being spoken by the tamils among their community. Next is the religion in Penang which most of the people believes such as Buddhist, Islam, Hindu, Christian, and many more. Basically, Buddhism is one of the main religions in Penang whereby Islam still the official religion of the state. As you can see that Penangs culture is a mixture of Malay, Chinese Indian and it is very interesting for tourists attractions [4]. Furthermore, Penang is famous for their food and this is one of the Penangs cultures. The food in Penang can easily get almost everywhere and anytime in Penang. According the time magazine in 2004, Penang has been the best street food in Asia. Penang is the only place to find such a wonderful, tasty and nice food and also it is so cheap compared to Kuala Lumpur and sometimes people called Penang is the food heaven to eat. The food in Penang is an assortment of Chinese, Nyonya, Malay, India, Thai cuisine. There in Penang also famous for the hawkers food which they sell and served by the road side [4]. Besides that, one of the reason why Penang famous is because they have various of events and festivals that they celebrates such as Penang International Dragon Boat Festival, Chin-gay, Pesta Pulau Pinang, Hari Raya Aidilfitri, Thaipusam, Chinese New Year, Hungry Ghost Festival and many more. These festivals would attract many tourists from all over the world to come and experience throughout the festivals. Moreover, it would be nice if tourists from Malaysia or outside Malaysia to give support and celebrates together in these interesting events. The international dragon boat festival usually held around June and July during the school holidays. Chingay is one of the famous cultural events in penang because it is being celebrated because of the birthday of Kuan Yin or the Goodness of Mercy. Normally, this event is being celebrated every year and attracts tourists as far from United States, Japan, South Africa and also Netherlands. Chingay festival is a parade which teams of people wil l show their skills at balancing 40 foot bamboo flagpoles on their body such as heads, shoulder, hands, and knees. And lastly, Pesta Pulau Pinang is one of the cultural events that being celebrated by all races in Penang. Pesta Pulau Pinang is a carnival that being celebrated in December and it always be lively, happening and colorful carnival every year. There would have a lots of activity includes open air concerts, variety shows, food bazaars, fun fairs, pet shows, exhibitions, games and many more [5]. What is an event? Basically events is about to have a particular function or to inform our guest that when some exciting things is going to happen and going to celebrate. For example, book launches weddings, concerts, carnivals and many more. It is more like a preparations for that particular functions to make it runs smoothly and beautifully. It starts from the PA systems, music, VIP rooms, foods, red carpet, guests and many more [6]. Cultural events that being celebrated by in Penang Penang is famous for their cultures, ethnicities, foods and festivals. Penangs has so many events and festivals that being celebrated throughout the year. Hence, the entire tourist from every parts of the world celebrates together with colorful happenings events in Penang. There are few festivals that being celebrated by all races in Penang such As Chinese New Year, International Dragon Boat Festival, Penang Beach Carnival, Penang Cultural Festival, Malaysia Festival and Pesta Pulau Festivals. The purpose all these festivals are held because is to gather everyone and celebrates the harmonious and unique multi culture in Penang. Many activities are held on the festivals example fashion parades, inter-hotel competition, performance, sell handicrafts, and many more [7]. 1.2 The Problem Statement The purpose of me choosing this topic is because as we can see Penang is developing to one of the leading tourism states. Cultural and events tourism is a product which is difficult to be tested first before use, so by having the cultural events in Penang can also gives Penang recognition as a world heritage site and will be portraying the cultural diversity of Penang. On top of that, by having cultural events and festivals in Penang can analyze the number of tourists inbounds to Penang. Besides that, tourists can come over and try to experience and spread the news to everyone out there about the cultural events that being celebrated by all races in Penang. There are few popular cultural events that being celebrated such as Thaipusam, Chap Goh Meh, St. Annes festival, hungry ghost festival and many more. Basically, Penang is famous for their cultural diversity where they preserve their own traditions and performing arts. On top of that, Penang has own tradition of street culture, cel ebrations, festivals, and ethnic groups and it will be the most unforgettable moments for the tourists who come and experience the festivals. Lastly, the Visit Calendar 2010 has their plans to make Penang as the active tourism sector. Research Objectives/ Aims The objective of this proposal is: To analyze the number of tourists inbounds to Penang during the cultural events celebration. To unite all people together to celebrate cultural events in Penang to support the slogan Satu Malaysia. To investigate the number of tourists that visit Penang according their nationalities. To determine the most favorable cultural events to the least popular and why? To study the revenue or loses generated by tourists as to the cost incurred by the state government to these events. By accumulating these results, we can determine whether to sustain, preserve or to promote cultural events or festivals for the coming years. Research Questions What are the number of tourists inbound to Penang in the 2009? Should Ministry of Tourism Malaysia encourage more cultural events celebrations in order to give Penang recognition as a world heritage site? Should we preserve, promote and sustain our cultural events in Penang in order to pull more tourists from all over the world? What the pull factors are for tourists to visits Penang every year? Hypothesis Statement Hypothesis statement for this topic would be that Penangs culture has a unique attribute that brings people together by having cultural events and festivals throughout the year. To boast those cultural events and festivals requires financial capital, intellectual capital, cultural capital and also social capital to run the events [8]. The existence of cultural events makes people understand other peoples culture better so that they can understand one and another as well as supporting our Malaysias motto which is Satu Malaysia. According to Datuk Lim Guan Eng, the Chief Minister of Penang says that they have to give 100% commitment to protect, preserve, sustain and promote the cultural events in Penang so that it can bring the people together and unite the culture and celebrate it collectively. These would reflect the multiracial people and well preserve culture and heritage which is being listed in UNESCO World Cultural and Heritage Site lately [9]. In the past 6 years, there were twelve countries affected by Tsunami disaster on 26th September 2004 and one of the countries is Malaysia. There were two states in Malaysia was affected by Tsunami which is Penang and Kedah. Both these areas lost everything during the tsunami disasters. At that time, most of the people or tourists are in fear for travelling to other countries. Most of the fishermans village in Kedah is destroyed by the tsunami. On top of that, Penangs tourism slightly decline due to this unwanted disaster. The Government, Corporate, NGOs, and also individuals contribute millions of dollars to help the victims accommodation, medical and many more [9]. Furthermore, there was a change in politics, economy and society due to the tsunami disaster. Penangs economy slightly decline because lacking of tourists from outside and inside the country. Tourists afraid to come and visits Penang thus not much activity or celebrations can we held during that particular period of timer [9]. As we know that the mass media plays important roles in promoting any advertisement doesnt matter in the website or in the daily newspaper. By promoting and advertise something in the website or newspaper, radio, television and so forth may increase the number of tourists who come to Penang. This is one of the strategies to pull tourists to come to Penang after the Tsunamis tragedy. There are some advertisements that may push tourists out of their state or country to come to Penang by having Cheap Air Flight to Penang inclusive Hotel Rooms. For example, in figure 1.0 and figure 1.1 show that Air Asia offer or promotes cheap flight tickets inclusive a room for the tourists as below as Rm1.00 [10]. Tourists can choose to fly either Penang, Kuching, Kuala Lumpur, and Johor Bahru. The travelling period for the tourists is at any time in July 1st 2011 to November 10th 2011. This is because we want more tourists to come to Penang for vacation and also at the same time we can promote differ ent cultural events and festivals that are being celebrating every month [10]. Furthermore, Penang State Tourism is promoting their state as by the campaign goes Visit Penang 2010-1012. So there are many kinds of activities and events is held for example Esplanade in Action- an Evening of Cultural Performance, Penang Sakura Blossom, Chinese New Year cruise-Lili Marleen and many more. Besides that, the food is one of the attractions besides cultural events in Penang for example, Thai Food Fiesta 2010, Penang Durian and Fruits Festivals, Pesta Pulau Pinang and many more. According to Natalie Lee, one of the students from University New South Wales stated that Facebook is one of the top growing social networking in the world nowadays which has more than 140 million users in the whole world. It allows us to find and communicate with our friends and share photos, promoting tourism sites and many more. Penang promotes their tourism sites through Facebook, websites, blogs and many more to pull tourists from every parts of the world. They can share photos, promote hotel rooms, flight tickets to Penang, and update latest events in penang and promote it to all their family members, friends and many more. It is one of the best ways to promote Penang to outsiders [11]. . Theoretical/ Conceptual Framework Theoretical framework As what I have showed the conceptual framework below shows that the research is focus more on the cultural events that being celebrated by all races in Penang. It will be scoped into structural support and cultural infrastructure/ spaces for the cultural events. Next under structural support diagram it will be divided into few points such as handling promotions, ticketing, licensing, printing and distribution of flyers. Besides that, for the cultural infrastructure / spaces will be divided into two main points which is cultural hub and also communities. At the top part of the framework shows that some of the events and festivals that is being celebrated by all races in Penang. Cultural festivals that being celebrated in Penang is Pesta Pulau Pinang, Hungry Ghost Festival, Chingay, Bon Odori and many more. The purpose of celebrating these festivals is because to sustain and promote the cultural events in Penang thus promote it to tourists from every parts of the world. For the second phase of the framework, is the cultural infrastructure and spaces which can be divided into two parts which is cultural hub and communities. According to S.B.Tan, Professor School Of Art, University Sains Malaysia says that the cultural hub, is basically where the performances or festivals is going to carried out, for example museums, restaurants, and many more. Whereby, for the communities are basically about where the festivals or events should should be placed in areas where most of the people live,for example city in Georgetown or Balik Pulau. It would be much easier for the people in Penang to travel to those particular places to celebrate the events [12]. Moving on, on the third phase is the structural support for example handling promotion, ticketing, licensing, distribution flyers and printing. Conceptual framework Cultural Events Tourism For Penang Events and festivals Pesta Pulau Pinang Bon Odori Chingay Hungry Ghost Festival Cultural infrastructure/ spaces Communities It should be placed in areas where the people lives Eg: city of Georgetown or Balik Pulau. Cultural Hub where the performances/ festivals, events is going to carried out eg: museums, restaurants, and many more Scope and Limitations The scope for this study is mainly based on the Tourism Industry in Penang that is rapidly growing in this 21st century. The importance of this sector to the Malaysias economy is to pull more tourists to come and visits Penang through the 3 years campaign of the state government by promoting their VisitPenang 2010- 2012 [13]. According to hotel statistics, in 2008 [14], Penang received 6.3 million tourist inbounds excluding the excursionist who arrive on cruise or live with their family and friends. The figure is higher than previous year which is 5.1 million. Penang State Governments has a mission to target 10 million tourists in 2014 which is 4 years from now. Penangs most profitable income earner comes from tourism sector after manufacturing. According to Ministry of Tourism, Malaysia, the number of local and international tourists arrivals in Penang in 2005 is 48% international tourists whereby for the locals is 52% which comes up 4, 351,909 tourists overall. Every year, the numb er slightly increased doesnt matter it is international tourists nor local people. Regrettably, in 2009 the number of tourists declined sharply which is from 6,307,468 in 2008 but unfortunately in 2009, the number has dropped to 1,347,356 overall totals. Penang this is because Penang focuses more on developing medical tourism and eco-tourism in this few years [13]. This study will look at the statistics rate or the number of tourists come and visits Penang to celebrates and experience the cultural events and festivals thus food as well. There were limitation sources to find for this topic. To find for data and informations, researcher using Google Scholar with journals, articles,, Kdu Library and online book. Some of the journals and articles need to be purchased or log in as a member in order to read the articles and journals. 1.8 Significance of the study Significance of studying this topic is to analyze the number of tourists inbounds in Penang during the cultural events celebrations whether it gives impacts towards Penangs economy or local environment. Besides that, it is important for us to know what is Penangs mission and target for the tourism sector. Currently, Penang is being ranked at no.4 in foreign and domestic tourists arrivals in Malaysia after Kuala Lumpur, Pahang and Sabah. YB Danny Law Heng Kiang, Chairman for the State Tourism Development Culture, Arts, and Heritage says that he really hopes one day Penang would be No.1 or No.2 in foreign and domestics tourists arrivals in Malaysia. According to statistics, the number of hotel guests is increasing rapidly from 68.8 million in 2008 compared to 61.6 in 2007 especially during the cultural events and festivals that being celebrated every month. It shows that the graph for tourism sector will increase every year [15]. Chapter 2 2.1 Literature Review Definition of cultural events Events are something that happens at a given place. An event is one of the top growing tourism industries and also most thrilling and yet it is connected to leisure. One of the reason why so many countries keeps on promoting their events so that they can pull more tourists from every parts of the world to come and visits their country. Basically, an event is more to persuade tourists to come or participate during their events and also can makes them stay longer in that particular area. According to Getz, events are one of the important roles in tourism industry because it can attract more tourists thus to fill up their free during their visits to that particular country (1991). Most of the tourists expects for festivals, events or attractions in a tourism destination. Events or festivals also can intensify tourists experience and perhaps can make tourists stay longer thus persuade them to extend their holidays in particular tourism destinations (Getz, 1991). Cultural events basically are for religious, public events such as arts, performances, crafts demonstrations, and many more (Richards, 1996).All the small towns are actively has cultural events for profit, or to boost the tourism industry (Goldblatt, 2002). Most of the tourists are attracted to unique cultural events and somehow they will participate when the event is held. Organizers would make the cultural events livelier to ensure that the tourists meet their satisfaction during the festivals thus to make sure that they gets more profit from the tourists. Why is it so because to increase the tourism industry and to promote our country to worldwide. 2.2 Statistics Rate Tourists Come to Penang Statistics plays important role in counting the number of tourists inbounds in Penang 2005 2009. How many tourists have been visiting Penang? To calculate and determine the actual statistics requires big costs of money to collect data, to analyze and to present it to the state government. The number of tourists visiting Penang announced by the Tourism Ministry is based on immigration cards filled with their profiles at the by visitors and have to show it at the port of entry. Tourists are freely to move everywhere within the country unless visitors did bad mistakes. According to Penang State Government, Penang has their own statistics rate number of international and local tourists arrivals in Penang in 2005 to march 2009. Within these 5 years, overall total number of tourists either locals or international is about 21, 881,848 people arrived in Penang .In 2005 the local tourists arrival is about 2,267532 people whereby the international tourists approximately about 2,084,377 people. Furthermore, the overall total number of tourists in 2006 is about 4,688,504 people which are in percentages 54% of local tourists and 46% of international visitors. Moving on, the overall total number of tourists arrivals in Penang in 2007 has increasing compared to year before which is 2006 which is 5,186,611 tourists. Among the 5 years between 2005- 2009, the highest amount of tourists arrival is in 2008 which is 6,307,468 visitors in percentages it would be 55% for the locals and 45% for the international tourists inbounds in Penang. Finally, in 2009 the total n umber of tourists inbounds in Penang was sharply dropped from 6,307,468 tourists in previous year whereby in 2009 the overall total number of tourists is 1,347,356 visitors arrivals in Penang (2010). As stated by the Tourism Minister, Datuk Seri Ng Yen Yen, tourists arrivals in 2009 has dropped from 6,307,468 to 1,347,356 tourists due to the Influenza a (H1N1) scare. On the other hand, international tourists from Europe and United Kingdom remained the same. She stated that the tourists are safe as health authorities helps to prevent the spread of the disease towards the tourists. On top of that, Datuk Ng.Yen Yen had a discussion with the directors of 44 Tourism Malaysia regarding promotional plans to persuade tourists to visits Malaysia because Malaysia is one of the countries safe from Influenza H1N1 (Bernama). As mentioned earlier, Malacca overtakes Penang as tourists destination in 2009. Statistics shows that tourists arrival in Penang dropped from 6.3 million in 2008 to 1.3 million in 2009. Compared Penang to Malacca, Penang has a lot and good accessibility and products for example foods, beaches, cultures, and many more. Datuk Seri Dr. Ng Yen Yen strictly wants the state government to do something in order to increase more tourists in 2010. She suggested that Penang has a potential to become one of the countrys leading tourists destination because Penang has 191 flights from 12 international airlines flying in Penang. Besides that, she recommend that state government should put more initiative in hiring well-trained tourists guides which experts in the field of Penang history and heritage. These tour guides, service counters, and restaurant employees should know very well and are able to share the history and stories behind heritage buildings. In this way, we can give the visitors speci al services and make them satisfy during their visits to Penang (Y.Y.Ng, Nov, 2010). 2.3 The Economic and Social cultural Impacts on Cultural Events in Penang According to Gawler Visitor Information Centre, cultural events is one of the most exciting festival celebrations that can pulls many tourists from every parts of the world to make revenues in the economy of tourism industry . On top of that, behind the significant of cultural events, it has its economic and also socio cultural impacts on cultural events in Penang. There are few factors will indicate the economic and socio cultural impacts on cultural events in Penang. Economic impacts on cultural events in Penang As stated above, there are few factors that show the economic impacts on cultural events in Penang and it can be divided into negative and positive. Negative economic impacts on cultural events in Penang are the revenue or loses generated by tourists as to the cost incurred by the state government to these events. According to Priscilla, Penang tourism sector requires approximately RM 50 million for tourism in Penang. Based on 2008 statistics, there were 6.3 million tourists arrivals in Penang and as what the Chief Minister said that RM 500,000 is not enough for the tourism to conduct an activities and events especially which is connected to the infrastructure, promotions, and also improving the facilities (2010). The RM 50 million are required in order to have events, festivals, upgrading the quality of beaches and many more as now Penang is the third highest contribution state in tourism sector. According to Ministry of Tourism Malaysia, in 2009, the tourists arrivals in Penang has dropped to 1.3 million due to the influenza H1N1 thus there were loses generated by tourists as to the high amount of cost incurred by the state government to these tourism sector (2010). The money that they use to upgrading the facilities, promotions, events and festivals is not balance with how much money the tourists spend during their visits to Penang thus it would be a lose for Penang. The positive economy impacts on cultural impacts in Penang are can increase the tourism economy and society development in Penang (Jafari, 2000). Positive impacts on cultural events in Penang would be the job opportunities in Penang. In 2008, hotels in Penang received approximately 6.3 million tourists which are locals and also international compared to 2007 about 5.1 million tourists arrivals in Penang. The statistics shows that there was slightly increase of 1.2 million visitors arrivals which would indicate that there are so many job opportunities out there for the people who really need to w ork (Administrator III, 2009). This is say that they need more labors to work in such places like hotels, restaurants, tour guides, and many more. Moving on, in 2010, Penang Tourism Minister target 10 million tourists arrivals in 2014. Indirectly says that they need more employment to work in this industry (Administrator III, 2010). Socio Cultural Impacts on Cultural Events in Penang In this part of literature review, one of the socio cultural impacts on cultural events in Penang is diplomatic relations. According to The Star Online, Penang Government and Russian Embassy are thinking to organize a Russian cultural event every year in order to remembrance of the Russian battleship (Zhemchug) close by Penang coast during the World War. Vorobyeva Lyudmila Georgievna the new Russian ambassador said that their sailors weve been buried in Western Cemetery on Jalan Utama in Penang Island and Pulau Jerejak. Besides that, she also expresses her gratitude to Penang State because the help to clean and uphold those 12 sailors that have been buried in Western Cemetery. Furthermore, she spoke to Datuk Seri Lim Guan Eng and said that it would be much better to organize a Russian cultural event in Penang every year. She suggests that the Russian cultural event would have interesting Russian folk performances, classical, Russian music, and also Russian food as well. Thus, Malaysi a can have bond relationships Russian and with the Russian cultural event it would help to encourage more Russian tourists to come to Penang in the future (2010). Conclusion In conclusion, cultural events are one of the pull factors to bring in tourists from every parts of the world regardless the international or the local tourists. To have such cultural events or festivals can increase our economy in tourism sector thus Penang can be one of the states to be recognize internationally with the uniqueness and amazing beaches, nice foods, great heritage and many more. The existence of cultural events can also promote and bond relationships between the locals and visitors by having lots of activities and know how to appreciate different cultures, religion and race. Chapter 3 Research design and methodology 3.1 Overview In Chapter 3, there will be 5 main points to highlight in this sample proposal. In the first part of this topic is the general idea on the research design and methodology. Next, it is the elaboration about the introduction of the research proposal. Basically, it talks about the purpose of doing this topic and explanation about the cultural events that s being celebrated by all races in Penang. Moving on, there will be a research design in this chapter 3 such as investigating the population and the sampling techniques that is going to apply. After that, it will be explanation regarding the procedures of data collection and data analysis which will be divided into 2 sections which is primary data and secondary data. And lastly, there will be a short explanation about the questionnaires design. References Administrator III (2009) boost in Penang tourists arrivals Administrator III (2010) Speech by The Rt Hon Mr Lim Guan Eng, Chief Minister of Penang- Launch of the Penang Investment Tourism Office (PITO), Singapore PRISCILLA DIELENBERG (2010) CM: Penang needs RM50mil for tourism Ministry of tourism Malaysia (2010)NUMBER OF TOURIST ARRIVALS FROM TEN LEADING COUNTRIES TRANSITING THROUGH PENANG AIRPORT 2004 2008 Jafari, J. (2000). APEC international tourism symposium: the scientification of tourism. 65 Korea Tourism Policy, summer, Vol.2, No.3, 56-59. Seoul: Korea tourism Research Institute (KTRI). Tourism facts sheet gawler visitor tourism centre The star online (2010) Annual Russian fest proposed
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