Wednesday, December 25, 2019
Essay on Pre-Employment Screening Industry Report
Pre-Employment Screening Industry Overview Industry Overview Due to the increasing costs associated with workplace embezzlement, fraud, violence, and other unethical business practices, the need to manage hiring and personnel risk has never been of greater importance than in todays business environment. The process of verifying past employment, education, and criminal history is an essential facet of many contemporary corporate risk management programs. The pre-employment screening industry is a small, highly fragmented sub-industry of the much larger Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) sector, a space dominated by a handful of large companies accounting for almost 25% of the industrys total revenue. Total revenue for the†¦show more content†¦In addition, many employers seek to reduce their costs even further by outsourcing pre-employment screening and allowing their human resource (HR) departments to focus more on strategic functions. By outsourcing this function to a pre-employment screening company, an HR department can take ad vantage of cost savings due to the screening companys economies of scale and more sophisticated screening technologies. The Society of Human Resource Managers (SHRM) estimates that almost 80% of all employers use pre-employment screening companies to some degree. Poised for Growth Pre-employment screening companies have seen double-digit revenue growth over the last several years due to several factors, including an increase in negligent lawsuits, the global terrorism threat post 9/11, the strong U.S. job market, and new government regulations such as the Patriot Act and the Voluntary Guidelines onShow MoreRelatedHuman Capital Due Diligence Service948 Words  | 4 Pageshiring new executive, firm restructuring around essential senior management, assessing the viability of acquiring a new firm or as a mediator with a new supplier, customer or partner. 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Tuesday, December 17, 2019
William Blake s Songs Of Innocence And Experience
William Blake’s Songs of Innocence and Experience, printed in 1794, â€Å"represents the world as it is envisioned by what he calls ‘two contrary states of the human soul’†(Greenblatt, 1452). This collection of poetry is accompanied by pictures, which create a mutually reliant relationship that allows for complete understanding of Blake’s works. â€Å"To read a Blake poem without the pictures is to miss something important: that relationship is an aspect of the poem’s argument†(1452). Overall, Blake’s works in Songs of Innocence and Experience provides a greater understanding into human life. Through poetry, Blake juxtaposes the innocence of childhood with the corruption of adulthood. Thus, his work allows the reader to see situations from a double-sided lens of innocence and then of experience. These two perspectives, known as the â€Å"two contrary states of the human soul†, are independent and each poem is accompanied by another poem; the poem â€Å"â€Å"Infant Joy†is paired with â€Å"Infant Sorrow†and the meek â€Å"Lamb†reveals its other aspect of divinity in the flaming, wrathful â€Å"Tyger††(1456). In Songs of Innocence, published in 1789, celebrates the innocence and untainted nature of childhood but it also doubles as a warning to adults. It warns them that the corruption of society and culture is to come and in Songs of Experience, a state of being that encompasses the loss of childhood vitality and corruption caused by social and political influence. The â€Å"innocence†and â€Å"experience†that BlakeShow MoreRelatedWilliam Blake s Innocence And Experience Analysis Essay1529 Words  | 7 PagesIsha Fidai Amber Drown English 2323 14 September 2016 William Blake s Innocence and Experience Analysis The Romantic Era was a movement in literature that began in the late seventeenth century throughout the eighteenth century that was mainly influenced by the natural world and idealism. Romanticism was predominantly focused on emotion and freedom emphasizing individualism. Formed as an uprising against neoclassicism, romanticism was more abstract, focusing on feelings and imaginations, insteadRead MoreWilliam Blake Had A Strict Standard On How His Poems Should1431 Words  | 6 Pages William Blake had a strict standard on how his poems should appear. In his poems, he was not very concerned with grammar or spelling, even though he was writing in a time much after the official English language had been created. 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Monday, December 9, 2019
Security Breaches Ransomware in management â€Myassignmenthelp.Com
Question: How was the Attack Carried Out? Answer: Introduction The report will discuss in detail two security breach cases and their impact on people. These two cases are 198 million voter records exposed and Wanncry ransomware cyber attack. The issue This case happened on June 19, 2017 when a huge number of voter data was exposed in different parts of USA like Mexico and state of Georgia. However, what was even more surprising was that this data was publicly accessible exposing the personal information of over 198 million voters of USA. The data was actually owned by a conservative data based firm called as Deep Root Analytics and the company use to save it on a platform called as Amazon S3 (Newman, 2017). As per the expert reports, it was also discovered that data was exposed to any random person who can found it since it is a part of a clever hacking process with complex internet based forces. But it was also the part of simple case of missed case of configuration. Even though it cannot be properly considered as a perfect case of hack but it is a case of one of the biggest risk in cyber security for organizations. How and why it occurred The founders of the Deep Root Analytics found the information that was made accessible to the public like name, address, affiliation with the party and many more. At the same time, criminals coming across such a huge trove of information could have find enormous amount of value with all the information which was already aggregated at one single place specifically when the associated source is an expert in compiling data consisting some kind of value (Minnite, 2017). The organization is working to save the situation and securing the exposed data however it is important to understand here that the situation will gets worse initially before it starts getting better. The research also says that it consist scanning the internet for data which was accessible in public platform and must be secured. It was also discovered that exposed data was lacking any kind of protection against any unwanted access and it can be viewed by anyone who can access the internet. It is also important to understand here that the string would not even be that challenging to face with the help of a random kind of generator and the server also happen to has a huge amount of data protected on the system however it was later misconfigured and this is why more and more private information get exposed (Hall et al, 2017). This incident is now merged with other similar misconfiguration of database cases like dating services or screener system in Hollywood and Microsoft sites cases which came as threats that many database servers are facing in recent time. Possible solution There are some solutions to the problem as well that can help in reducing the number of servers that are misconfigured and exposed the data on internet. The first step is to raise maximum awareness among the people. It is obvious that these incidences have affected millions of people and it is important to encourage organizations to give more time as well as resource in setting the servers and properly maintaining it long run. Another solution is to make default kind of setting in the cloud which will help in making the database more secured and help in tightening the overall control. There are some securities companies have started developing products that can easily scan the current system being established as additional layer of defense and at the same time also warning the staff of IT to look at the traits or be more aware about the information with there are any threats on security (Aker et al, 2017). However, it is also important to note here that moving to cloud infrastructure can be a smart move but it is at the end of the day is another layer of risk being added to the system and each time, the user add any kind of component that needs to be verified, a specific percentage of the population is not going to further evaluate it (Udani Kimball, 2017). Further in statistics manner it is being added to the exposure but it doesnt mean that organization can be completely secured in the right manner with the data being saved in cloud however, the experts also says that any kind of attempt to provide a warning about the current danger of exposure in the system on the public internet will face little interest. The company has taken full accountability for the loss and the company is making all necessary investigations to evaluate the information that has been gathered over a period of time and secured. It is important to understand here that any specific party with any specific company, it can be treated as an epidemic that is present everywhere (Hershey, 2017). Ransomware cyber attack on the web Problem In May of 2017, a new issue or rather a serious strain of ransonware has been exposed all across the world and further caused a lot of crisis in organizations like National Health Services, hospitals and other facilities in different parts of the world like UK and Spain and many more. The affected parties were large telecom organization like Telefonica which is a natural gas organization or the electrical company namely Iberdrola. It is important to understand how people always speak about the issue called the Big One (Ehrenfeld, 2017). This ransonware was called as Wannacry and in other word it was called as WanaCryptor. This is actually a new version of pervious ransomware attack with thousands of attacks in more than seventy four countries. The reach of the attack in much heavier and the country like Spain, UK, Russia, Taiwan, France and dozens of more countries were covered under it. Affected people and how This attack was taken as massive all across the world and in addition had handicapped so many infrastructure and government in more than one hundred and fifty countries which also happen to include large part of Britain hospital structures and railways of Germany. It is actually expected as one of the largest online based extortion attack ever recorded (Mohurle Patil, 2017). The attack started with a ransomware infecting the chain of computer as well as locking the users away from the system and then later holding the level of description along with other release of ransom until the current victim has to pay an amount or ransom. This usually happened in the case of bitcoin. The case of NHS further experienced all kind of hobbled databases in computers as well as phone systems along with system failure and along with a lot of confusion after the computers in hospitals initiates expressing a message of ransom demanding more than $300 worth of bitcoins. As an outcome of this infection, many health care organizations, hospitals, offices and places in Northern England had to cancel many services and had to start working on some backup processes (Mattei, 2017). The news was spread saying that patients must completely avoid coming to hospitals if the situation is not very serious. However, the situation doesnt seem to have come out as any kind of unauthorized access to the details of patients. The National Health Services in UK is investigating the matter and also trying to minimize the impact of the attack and as per the news of UK, there are number of outlets that have reported to instruct the hospital personnel to do things that can completely shut down the computers and it comes with large IT network based services. There are many other victims as well like Spain that are also taking same kind of measure to save the data and the organizations are telling employees to completely shut down the infected systems while they wait for the right set of directions about the challenge (Morehouse et al, 2017). Hospitals are actually the worst victim of this ransomware since they an urgency to store all the services for the sake of patients. This is why, these institution were more prone to pay to criminals in order to reinstate the system. They also usually make for an easy target for any kind of attacks. Healthcare and other similar sectors later tend to make the process slow to deal with number of vulnerabilities (Martin et al, 2017). Recommendation Following are detail discussion of recommendations: - It is important to immediately make some secure backups for the same which means when the files are properly encrypted the options are restricted. It is important to recover from the backup the data as soon as possible. Patching the system and properly updating is crucial step. Those people who include called as highly dangerous hole for security in Microsoft Windows users didnt apply Microsoft March with software fix and malware specifically designed to spread rapidly with proper government and business network (Martin et al, 2017). Usage of antivirus software: with the usage of antivirus software saves most fundamental and well known virus by properly scanning the system against all known fingerprints. There were number of criminals as well with low end advantages of less kind of savvy users with different viruses and malware is continuously transforming and antivirus is constantly detecting it (Martin et al, 2017). Education of the workforce: it is a basic level of protocol like focusing on the workers that should not click on any kind of doubtful links or suspicious sites that can save the bad cases. Conclusion The attack by WannaCry didnt just go after the NHS. The attack affected many organizations across different sectors and industries. The main aim is on supporting the company to manage the situation in a more swift and decisive manner (Martin et al, 2017). In certain ways, it makes things more worse and the system not just about coming out from the hospitals but it was about coming out from whatever situation it can. The situation is expected to get worse in future Reference Aker, J. C., Collier, P., Vicente, P. C. (2017). Is information power? Using mobile phones and free newspapers during an election in Mozambique.Review of Economics and Statistics. Ehrenfeld, J. M. (2017). WannaCry, Cybersecurity and Health Information Technology: A Time to Act.Journal of Medical Systems,41(7), 104. Hall, E. M., Acevedo, J., Lpez, F. G., Corts, S., Ferreccio, C., Smith, A. H., Steinmaus, C. M. (2017). Hypertension among adults exposed to drinking water arsenic in Northern Chile.Environmental research,153, 99-105. Hershey, M. R. (2017).Party politics in America. Taylor Francis. Martin, G., Martin, P., Hankin, C., Darzi, A., Kinross, J. (2017). Cybersecurity and healthcare: how safe are we?.Bmj,358, j3179. Mattei, T. A. (2017). Privacy, Confidentiality, and Security of Health Care Information: Lessons from the Recent WannaCry Cyberattack.World Neurosurgery,104, 972-974. Minnite, L. C. (2017).The Myth of Voter Fraud. Cornell University Press. Mohurle, S., Patil, M. (2017). A brief study of Wannacry Threat: Ransomware Attack 2017.International Journal,8(5). Morehouse, M. A., Loveck, T., Read, H., Woodman, M. (2017). Quantify? or, Wanna Cry? Integrating Methods Training in the IR Classroom.International Studies Perspectives,18(2), 225-245. Newman, L, H (2017). THE SCARILY COMMON SCREW-UP THAT EXPOSED 198 MILLION VOTER RECORDS Udani, A., Kimball, D. C. (2017). Immigrant Resentment and Voter Fraud Beliefs in the US Electorate.American Politics Research, 1532673X17722988.
Sunday, December 1, 2019
Julius Caesar Essays - Julius Caesar, Iulii, Cleopatra, Calpurnia
Julius Caesar The era of Julius Caesar was a time when many people's feelings toward the government began to change. This was one of the first times in Roman history when people began to question the power of their ruler. In the play, The Tragedy of Julius Caesar by William Shakespeare, we see a brief picture of this Roman life during the time of the First Triumvirate. In this snap shot, many unfortunate things occur as a result of these strong feelings towards the government of that time. Shakespeare gives us the idea that many people try to circumvent what the future holds, such as unfortunate things, by being superstitious. Superstition seems to play a role in the basic daily life of most Roman citizens, and exists as an important, deciding factor in the events and outcome of the play itself. The setting of the first scene of the play is based upon superstition. The Feast of Lupercal is in honor of the god Pan, the queen of fertility. During this time, infertile females are supposed to be able to procreate, and fertile ones are supposed to be able to bear more. It is also a supposed time of sexual glorification and happiness. Other scenes depict how mysterious sooth-sayers, who are supposedly given the power to predict the future, roam the streets of Rome. Dictating what is to come through terse tidbits, these people may also be looked upon as superstitious. In the opening scene, one sooth-sayer, old in his years, warns Caesar to "Beware the Ides of March," an admonition of Caesar's impending death. Although sooth-sayers are looked upon by many as insane, out of touch lower classmen, a good deal of them, obviously including the sayer Caesar encountered, are indeed right on the mark. Since they lack any formal office or shop, and they predict forthcomings without fee, one can see quite easily why citizens would distrust their predictions. Superstition, in general elements such as the Feast of Lupercal, as well as on a personal level such as with the sooth-sayers, is an important factor in determining the events and the outcome of The Tragedy of Julius Caesar, and a significant force throughout the entire course of the play. Before the play fully unravels, we see other signs of Caesar's tragic end. Aside from the sooth-sayer's warning, we see another sign during Caesar's visit with the Augerers, the latter day "psychics". They find "No heart in the beast", which they interpret as advice to Caesar that he should remain at home. Caesar brushes it off and thinks of it as a rebuke from the gods, meaning that he is a coward if he does not go out, and so he dismisses the wise advice as hearsay. However, the next morning, his wife Calpurnia wakes up frightened due to a horrible nightmare. She tells Caesar of a battle breaking out in the heart of Rome, "Which drizzled blood upon the Capitol," with Caesar painfully dying, such that "...The heavens themselves blaze forth the death of princes." Although Caesar realizes Calpurnia is truly concerned about his well being, he seeks another interpretation, coming to the conclusion that the person who imagines the dream may not be the wisest one to interpret it's meaning. Later Caesar tells his faithful companion Decius about it, and he interprets it quite the contrary, "That it was a vision fair and fortunate," and indeed, today is an ideal day to go out, since this is the day "To give a crown to mighty Caesar." Perhaps Decius is implying here that today is a day where much appreciation and appraisal will be given to Caesar, surely not the endangerment of his well being as Calpurnia interprets it. Caesar predictably agrees with him, as most citizens enjoy believing the more positive of two interpretations. After Caesar's assassination at the hand of Brutus, Cassius, and the rest of the conspirators, Brutus and Cassius are chased into the countryside, where we see a few superstitious signs of their forthcoming painful death in battle. In a dream, Brutus sees Caesar's "ghost", interpreted as an omen of his defeat. He also looks upon the ensign, and instead of the usual stock of eagles, ravens and kites replace them, construed as another sign of their loss at Phillipi. Not surprisingly, Caesar's death is avenged in the end, with two of the conspirators, Titanius and Brutus' double suicide. The play, The Tragedy of Julius Caesar, by William Shakespeare, clearly reveals how important superstition was to the people of Rome at the time of
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