Saturday, May 23, 2020
The Quiet American, By Graham Greene - 1430 Words
Innocence is blindness. To be innocent is to be unaware of principal parts of a situation. When someone is innocent to a problematic situation or crisis, they do not have enough knowledge to form an opinion that could help find a solution. As a result, that person becomes problematic if they attempt to find a solution. People are always biased to the knowledge they have, whether it is true or false, a lot or a little. When innocent people look to solve a problem, they are biased to their innocence, which often causes more harm than good. In The Quiet American, by Graham Greene, Alden Pyle is an innocent, and therefore problematic, character. The novel is set in 1950s Vietnam during the Vietnam War. Pyle is representative of the American forces in the war as his primary goal is to stop communism, and he surmises that he knows the best way to do it. Because of this, he is an example of American exceptionalism, believing that he is most apt to solve the crisis in Vietnam, when in realit y he does not have enough knowledge of the situation at hand, causing more damage than repair. Pyle believes that the American way (his way) is the most effective way. He believes that it is America’s civic duty to assist the Vietnamese and succeed in ridding the nation of communist ideas. He is largely influenced by the ideas of a scholar named York Harding, who pushes for the idea of an uncorrupt â€Å"Third Force†to save Vietnam. Although neither Harding nor Pyle fully understand the conflictShow MoreRelatedThe Quiet American by Graham Greene1629 Words  | 7 PagesGraham Greenes novel, The Quiet American, is more than a political statement about whether or not America or any other country for that matter should become involved in the affairs of another country; Greene makes the question human and personal. The novel can be read as a political and moral reflection on the opening stages of the United States’ involvement in Southeast Asia. Therefore, Greene ’s novel becomes a commentary on the pointlessness of the United States’ later investment of men and materialRead MoreThe Quiet American By Graham Greene1272 Words  | 6 Pages The Quiet American was a book originally written in 1955 by Graham Greene, inspired by the first French Indochina war in Vietnam placed during 1951 - 1954. The author adds a love triangle in the mist of war’s chaos to deepen the reader’s interest. His decision to create a fictional love story during a turbulent time in our history proved to be successful, even though, Greene insists, This is a story and not a piece of history. Bushnell reflects Greene’s comment adding, Unfortunately, The QuietRead MoreEssay on The Quiet American by Graham Greene1400 Words  | 6 PagesThe Quiet American is written by Graham Greene. This novel is about the conflict between Alden Pyle and Thomas Fowler. The novel’s events have already taken place and Fowler is the narrator of t he story. Thomas Fowler, a man in his fifties, is a British journalist who has been covering the events taking place in the French War in Vietnam for over two years. He chooses to remain neutral between the sides of the battles he covers. He meets Alden Pyle, a young American who is well educated and secretlyRead MoreConflicts Involve a Clash of Ideas, Interests and Expectations.808 Words  | 4 Pagesmuch as life. Graham Greene proves this notion in his allegoric novel The Quiet American, as he draws upon political ideologies and represents these through the characters in the novel. Greene places the characters within the context of Indochina War, and presents relationships of the characters symbolically to represent the circumstances of the war. Alden Pyle’s idealism is motivated by interventionism in a Third World country’s affairs; this is a emblematic representation of what Greene himself hadRead MoreAn Interpretation of Graham Greenes The Quiet American1373 Wo rds  | 5 Pagesï » ¿Judging Pyle One of the central themes in Graham Greenes novel, The Quiet American, which functions more as the thesis of this work of literature, is loss of innocence. Most critics and readers of this book generally conclude that the loss of innocence is exemplified through the gradual debauchery of Alden Pyle, the American who comes to live in Vietnam with little first-hand experience or knowledge about the political situation or the people there. One of the principle problems with this commonlyRead MoreThe Quiet American - Taking Sides Is Human789 Words  | 4 PagesThe Quiet American, by Graham Greene, implements a number of techniques to persuade the reader to believe that taking sides is human. This is done mainly through character development, events, narrative and setting. Using these techniques, Graham Greene is able to successfully create invited readings which support his views. Important to this process, character development is the center of this novel, and a powerful force behind the beliefs and invited readings presented by the text. Using charactersRead MoreThe Lottery vs the Destructors Essay examples1046 Words  | 5 PagesThesis In Shirley Jackson’s, â€Å"The Lottery†, and Graham Greene’s â€Å"The Destructors†, the author creates a story filled with symbolism, irony, grim reality, and a ritualized tradition that masks evil, which ultimately showcases how people blindly follow tradition. Outline I. Introduction II. Setting B. Time Period III. Plot A. What messages are seen inRead More Graham Greens The Quiet American Essay976 Words  | 4 PagesGraham Greens The Quiet American The Quiet American by Graham Green is a story set during the Vietnam War before the United States became involved. The main character is Thomas Fowler, an English Reporter stationed in Vietnam. The story follows approximately six months of his life where he is faced with personal, professional, and ethical trials. The story also follows closely, the lives of two close friends, Pyle and Phuong. Each of the three main characters are from a different country, andRead MoreAnalysis Of Joseph Conrad s Heart Of Darkness And The Quiet American1581 Words  | 7 PagesHeart of Darkness and The Quiet American, the treatment of women and victims of imperialism are almost indistinguishable. Joseph Conrad and Graham Greene were both aware of the constraints women in the 19th and 20th century faced for simply being rational and intelligent. Women were objectified and a straightjacket of propriety, during a time of greed and corruption. Although both works contain moments of this reoccurring supp ression, Heart of Darkness and The Quiet American do recognize the power womenRead MoreAn Imperialistic Love Triangle in The Quiet American1742 Words  | 7 Pagesa past of unscrupulous tyrannical power involving carnal pleasures and deviating from the restrictive morals of the â€Å"occidental.†The Orient displays feminine vulnerability with its progress and value judged as inferior to the West. Graham Greene’s The Quiet American presents the treatment of Phuong as a metaphor for how foreign occupying forces treat her native country of Vietnam, and her depiction as having no control in matters of her love life is a motif of the Orient being a feminized other
Tuesday, May 12, 2020
Taking a Look at Cultural Diversity - 781 Words
Cultural Diversity There are many views on culture and diversities today in society. Many of us see culture as beliefs, traditions, ideas, and behaviors in different communities that are passed on from generation to generation. However, culture diversity basically involves the changes that are taken place comparing what was deeply rooted in culture in ancient times and how it has been changing over time. Changes in the recent decades have been experienced in many fields including education, work, personal relationships and health among others. According to Thomas Sowell’s article, Cultural Diversity: A World View (n.d.), he argues that a diversity of cultures has influenced the course of world history. In the article, Sowell states â€Å"the worldwide importance of cultural diversity over centuries of human history before returning to the narrower issues of our time†(p. 1). He quickly recognizes that there are many definitions when it comes to diversity, meaning that certain definitions have cultural associations and others do not. Sowell (n.d.) also emphasizes on the workforce and how it is being replaced by the assimilation of diversity. From my understanding, people cannot compete economically if they are enclaved among the subcultures that they are around because Sowell believes there are more benefits to be looked at as far as â€Å"knowledge, skills and analytical techniques†(p. 6) of the world. He also believes that â€Å"individuals have decided for themselves how much of theShow MoreRelated Beh 220 Applied Final Project1643 Words  | 7 Pages2012 Applied Final Project 2 Diversity Consciousness was offered to me as a science option for my Business Major. Based on the courses offered I believed that Diversity Consciousness would benefit not only my personal life but it would also benefit me in my career field as well. In my current field I am a leader in a large diverse organization and my expectations for the course was it would provide me with additional skills to become a more effective leader. Diversity Consciousness has expanded myRead MoreMedtrainer Understanding and Working with Diversity Training1010 Words  | 4 PagesWorking with Diversity training – Chapter One. In this Chapter, we will discuss how embracing diversity benefits individuals and the organization. The word diversity is often interpreted as be different or unusual. Diversity is often categorized by race, origin, religion, gender, and political preferences which are often distorted by prejudices. We will look at diversity as a strength, the collective talents of man y, and the strength of embracing individual differences. Let’s begin by taking a closeRead MoreA Diverse Work Environment The Management Of A Company Or Firm Is A Crucial Role1147 Words  | 5 Pages In a diverse work environment the management of a company or firm is a crucial role. With firms that are growing internationally and having employees of different cultures the management style has to suite those employees. Diversity in the workplace means bringing people together from different ethnic backgrounds, age, and religions. The advances in communication have a great role in management of large cooperation or business. A great management strategy with diverse workplaces is to have strongRead MoreCultural Diversity and Communication Barriers1482 Words  | 6 PagesOrganizations Topic: Cultural diversity and communication barriers Instructors name: Robert Lindquist Date submitted 29 September 2010. Cultural diversity is the power which motivates the development of the thing that makes us different. Cultural diversity is the economic growth, which means leading a more fulfilling emotional, moral and spiritual life. It captures the culture principles, which provide a sturdy basis for the promotion of cultural diversity. Cultural diversity is an asset that isRead MoreDiversity Within A Diverse Workplace1320 Words  | 6 PagesDiversity is seen as the difference among people. These factors include gender, race, ethnicity, age,sexual orientation,religion,capabilities/disabilities. A Diverse workplace,in the last 30 years, become an important issue to emerge, and it’s effects this can have on a organisation. More and more research has gone into a diverse workplace and effects it can have on an organisation competitive advantage. Although having diverse workplace, brings about opportunities and threats, diversity is complexRead MoreDiversity In Todays Organizations Essay ex ample1136 Words  | 5 Pagesvalue the ways cultural and workforce diversity contribute to long-term success, innovation and productivity embrace methods that enhance efficiency (Waller,2006 pg.50-52). Diversity has many different meanings. The description of diversity can be classified into categories: human, cultural and systems. Human diversity encompasses the physical difference of individuals, such as skin color, gender and appearance. Cultural diversity, on the other hand, looks at individual cultural issues such asRead MoreReflection On Diversity865 Words  | 4 Pagessuccess through furthering my education. Everything I bring to the table adds to the spectrum of diversity. Growing up I always felt different. The elementary school I attended , I always could recognize where I differed from everybody else. My hair, my skin tone, my gap (before the braces), and especially height. It wasn’t easy but the older I became, I learned to embrace every aspect of me. Diversity to me is what you bring to the table (age, gender, sexual orientation, race, skills, etc.) thatRead MoreMulticultural Education : Characteristics And Goals1434 Words  | 6 Pagesdiverse cultural groups of its community. Multicultural education is also the process teachers and administrators follow in order to achieve the ideal of equal education opportunities (1997). Introduction to Diversity for Educators is an essential course for teachers. The course contents encourage us, future educators, to look inward and examine our personal biases, which, if done honestly, will positively influence our teaching and our future students’ outcome. I found the textbook, Cultural Competence:Read MoreCultural Diversity and Communication Barriers1490 Words  | 6 PagesOrganizations Topic: Cultural diversity and communication barriers Instructors name: Robert Lindquist Date submitted 29 September 2010. Cultural diversity is the power which motivates the development of the thing that makes us different. Cultural diversity is the economic growth, which means leading a more fulfilling emotional, moral and spiritual life. It captures the culture principles, which provide a sturdy basis for the promotion of cultural diversity. Cultural diversity is an asset that isRead MoreQuestions on Diversity and Inclusions926 Words  | 4 PagesWhat are the dimensions of cultural diversity? There have been a variety of attempts to develop a concise definition or reliable classification of what is meant by cultural diversity for a number of decades. Although there is no universal system available for determining what cultural diversity is there are several reappearing characteristics that are used by many of the experts attempting to arrive at a recognized system (Fearon, 2003). The first generalized dimension used is the concept of
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Grass Fed Based Farms Free Essays
I’m sure that some still exist on these kinds of farms in many place . In grass fed farms there is a better quality of life for the animals and they get the chain CE to roam unlike the others where they might be consumed in a small little space and w loud have to sit there day after day. Why should a farmer go grass fed ? What are the benefits? When the animals are properly pastured, raising grass fed beef cattle on grass based farms are able to yield you more meat up to 200 pounds more, which could have less fat and c loud be provided at less cost than the commercial grain fed beef. We will write a custom essay sample on Grass Fed Based Farms or any similar topic only for you Order Now If the persons land p reduces ay or if they are able to keep cattle in the pasture for a good part of the year, they will be able to save money by growing their own feed and raising grass fed beef o n their farm which is a good benefit to not just there self. Think that grass fed farms sound like something I would do if I were trying to decide which farm to do. Pastures and organic parts of grass based farms are good things for farmers. In the pastures part of livestock it has benefits for the people who buy the prod cuts and for the ones who eat them, the farmers, and the animals along with the envier moment, I’m o grass based farmers provide their animals with as much pasture as they ca n because it helps everyone out. A long time ago originally all of the livestock were raised on pasture grass bas deed fed farms. But not all grass based farming is the same. A new method I found online was a method known as (managed intensive rotational grazing) (MIR) which is something that offers great benefits over both of the confinement and oldster e animal grass based grazing methods. In MIR, animals are moved from a field to anon there field based on the stage of the grass in the field. This is something that allows the rammer to avoid over growing the grass land, while making it able for livestock to go into the pasture. The cows and other farm animals known as cattle are used and born to eat grass, so that the grass fed pasture is used for them. The cattle are much heal their than the cattle fed in the industrialized grains that are kept in small fenced in areas inside mostly. There are environmental benefits of grass fed pasture based farming also. T lets the animals do the work and not the machines like in industrialized farms They harvest and feed themselves and fertilize their pastures, overseen by the far err In a closely monitored system that would be developed by the farmer. Overall the re is less fossil fuel consumption, less erosion, less air and water pollution and a much greater soil fertility percentage. When I did some research online, saw that compare d to plowed cropland, pasture can add up to a whole lot more tons of carbon dioxide De in the organic matter of soils. This is an something in the reduction of greenhouse g asses, which means that there would be increased amounts Of land for farmers. There are many different benefits to the farmer. The grass fed pasture based arming can let farmers free from the expensive tractors and machines used t o grow and harvest feed crops, and they don’t have the waste disposal and disease is sues that come with confinement feeding. Their farms become safer places for children to be around the animals and help with farm work. Pasture expert Bill Murphy obsess revs, â€Å"When they come to pasture farming, it is such a relief for farmers. They get RI d of all these problems: crop failure, pesticide failure, huge debt. Pasture manage NT is, in some ways, about old knowledge taken to a new level. At Organic farm lands, they want this to continue to grow. How to cite Grass Fed Based Farms, Papers
Saturday, May 2, 2020
Insole In Order To Bring Fairness In Matter-Myassignmenthelp.Com
Question: Discuss About The Insole In Order To Bring Fairness In Matter? Answer: Introduction In Australia, it is the Corporation Act 2001 that guides and regulates Insolvency of a company. Insolvency is no where defined but absence of solvency is considered to be the most precise definition of Insolvency. Now, the question arises is what is solvency of a company. It is submitted that a company is said to be solvent when it has the capacity to pay all of its liability and debt whenever the same fell due. (Swaab, 2009) The basic aim for the enactment of the insolvent law in Australia is to bring out a balance of interest of creditors, debtor, and public at large. The Insolvency laws try to lay down a fair procedure so that the assets of the company can be distributed equitably and equally. The procedure of insolvency must be such so that the debts so arises can be paid without much delay and adequate. Both the creditors and debtors of the company must be involved in the management of insole in order to bring fairness in the matter. It is now important to understand the concepts and law behind insolvency. Insolvency What is insolvency is the main question that needs to be target first? Section 95A of the Act tries to explain the true meaning of Insolvency. As per section 95 A, sub section 1 , a company is solvent when it has the ability to pay all of its debts when the same become payable. As per sub section 2 of section 95A, any organization or a person is considered to be insolvent when the same is not solvent in nature. In Sutherland v Hanson Construction Materials Pty Ltd (2009), the Supreme Court of New South Wales has submitted that what is solvent can be determined as per the cash flows of the company. (Latimer, 2012) Thus, the two main elements that must be looked into in order to determine the insolvency of the company are: Debts - That the company is at the obligation to pay its dues; Due and Payable - That the financial position of the company is not such that it is able to pay its debts when the same became dues and payable. It is thus submitted that the contrary of solvent results in insolvency of any organization/individual. In recent times the insolvency of the companies has been tremendous in nature. The rate with which the insolvency of the companies is increasing is tremendous. Around 10,000 companies go into administration every year. In around April 2011, there were around 9747 companies that went into insolvency. Compared with the previous five years, the increase is approximately 16%.. compared with 2010, there is an increase of 6%. The secured creditors ahs appointed 1356 in 2011 which is 73% increase from the last five years. In 2011, the first seven months saw 5852 administrations. In June 211, there were around 1027 insolvencies that took place. There were around 240 companies that went into court liquidation, 3835 in creditors voluntary liquidation, 1219 in receivership and 1332 in voluntary administration. (Insolvency, 2016) Thus, the rate with which the insolvency of the courts is increasing is tremendous. Once it is established that a company is insolvent then what is the actions that must be taken by the company. At this stage, the role of a director is very important. It is necessary to understand the actions and proactively that is required of the directors in insolvency. As per section 124 of the Act, a company is an artificial legal person but has the capacity to enter into contracts, sue and be sued, purchase assets etc. However, a company does not have a mind to think and thus it acts through its officers. As per section 198E (1) of the Act, the company director is the person who mainly manages and controls the affairs of the company. (Bottomley, 2016) Thus, when any company is insolvent or on the verge of insolvency then there are various action that are expected from the director because he is the main authorized person who commands the acts of the company. The prime acts of the director include, firstly, he must make sure that no further liability or debt is incurred by the company; secondly, if there are no chances that restructuring of the company can be done, or there is availability of refinance or equity funding, then, the director must either appoint a liquidator or a voluntary administrator; thirdly, as per section 588G of the Act, it is necessary that there must be no trading when the company is insolvent by the company director; fourthly, every Director must ensure that all the specific and general laws must be comply with; fifthly, every duty and power of the director must be complying with utmost care and diligence; sixthly, the financial position of the company must be clear and in the knowledge of the director; seve nthly, as per section 182 and 183 the position and information of the company must be used by the director in order to bring benefit to himself; eighthly, that the books and records of the company must be properly maintained by the director; It is ths very important that every action of the director must be carried out keeping in mind the interest of the stakeholders, employees and the creditors. The acts of the director must be in the best interest of the company and in good faith. Now, if the company still becomes insolvent then there are few liabilities that are faced by the company director in all manners. When a company becomes insolvent then there are series of consequences and penalties that are faced by the directors of the company, firstly, there are civil penalties which includes, firstly, a director may face pecuniary penalties of an amount up to $200,000; secondly, the creditors may initiate compensation proceedings against the directors; thirdly, ASIC and the liquidator are also authorized to commence compensation proceedings; fourthly, the compensation proceedings many a time results in the bankruptcy of the director which ultimately results in the disqualification of the director. Also, there are criminal penalties which includes, firstly, if insolvent trading is incurred and the major reason for insolvent trading is found to dishonesty on the part of the director then such director may be fined for an amount up to $220,000. He may also be send to jail for five years or both; secondly, the director can be disqualified from his post. (ASIC, 2017) So, a company director must be very diligent while carrying out his actions so that no insolvent trading is incurred. Now, once a company is found to be insolvent then what are the various avenues that are available to such insolvent company? What are the options that are available to the director if the company is presumed to be insolvent? The company director is the main officer of the company who is assigned with the tasks of managing the affairs of the company. If the company is unable to pay its debt when become due then it is considered to be insolvent in nature. In such cases, the first question that comes in the mid of the directors is the next step that should be taken in order to protect the interest of the shareholders, creditors and investors of the company. There are mainly three avenues in front of the company director to choose from. The same are: Firstly, Voluntary administration and it is the quickest method that can be availed by an insolvent company in order to decide the future course of the company. In Voluntary administration, administer is appointed who is a qualified person and is independent in his operations. It is necessary to seek the written consent of the liquidator who agrees to act as a voluntary administrator. He takes the full control of the company and the main tasks of the voluntary administered are to conduct his actions in such manner so that the company can be saved or the business of the company can be protected. If there is no scope of protecting the company or its business then the next target of the administrator should be manage the company affairs in such manner so that maximum advantage can be provided to the creditors. This can be done with the help of formulating Deed of Company arrangement. (Hanrahan Et al, 2017) Secondly, Liquidation and when the company is insolvent and the only option that is left is the wound up of the company, then, the most beneficial way is to liquidate the company. The director calls a meeting of the members wherein voting for the winding of the company is carried on and there is an appointment of a qualified and independent person who acts as the liquidator of the company. He takes the control of the company and carries the conduct of the company in such manner so that maximum benefits can be attained by the creditors of the company. Now there are voluntary and involuntary interventions by different parties concerned by the potential insolvency of the company. The same are of two kinds a) Voluntary or Creditors Voluntary Liquidation and carried when the business is insolvent and requires cease trading then Creditors Voluntary Liquidation is carried out. The members and directors pass a resolution for winding up and appoint a liquidator. The liquidator sells out all t he company assets and repays the secured creditors; b) A creditor can seek the help of the court for involuntary wining up of the company. The court may appoint a liquidator (IMF, 2012) Thirdly, Receivership wherein the secured creditor appoints a receiver who holds security over the assets of the company. He sells the assets in order to repay the liabilities of the secured creditor. (Hanrahan Et al, 2017) However, It is submitted that apart from being liquidated, there are two best methods that can be attained when the company is declared insolvent. The same are firstly, Deed of Company Arrangement (DOCA), wherein a contract that is established amid the creditors and the company are called DOCA. At the second creditors meeting approval of the creditors is required. The deed is binding upon the shareholders, company, unsecured creditors and directors of the company. The deed is binding upon only those secured creditors who voted in favor of the DOCA at the meeting. If the DOCA is approved by majority creditors then there is no need for any approval from the court. As soon as DOCA is executed, there is termination of the voluntary administration; secondly, Schemes of arrangement wherein restructuring tool and is applicable regardless whether the company is insolvent or solvent. It is a kind of proposal which is laid down wherein the stakeholders compromise their rights. This proposal re quires the confirmation of the creditors and by the time the confirmation comes the pre existing management controls the company. In order for the scheme to work, it is necessary that the same must be confirmed by at least 75% in form of creditors value and at least 50% in number in each class of creditors. The class of creditors is those whose rights are affected by the scheme. This approval scheme must be approved by the court so that it becomes effective. The main outcome of the scheme is that the company is still floating but with the compromises auditing made part of the scheme. (Australia, 2016) Thus, the insolvency of the company is not a good thing for all the parties that are associated with the company. Apart from winding up, DOCA and scheme of arrangements are the two methods with which the company can be remain floating. ASIC is Australian Securities and Investment Commission with main aim to regulate the financial services, markets and corporate in Australia. When the company is insolvent the ASIC also plays a significant role. The same are firstly, when a company is declared insolvent and there is compensation proceeding to be initiated, then, ASIC is authorized to initiate proceedings in favor of the creditors who have lost their money; secondly, several programme are run by ASIV to make the directors aware of the consensuses, rights, liabilities and duties that must be performed by the directors in case of insolvency; thirdly, directors are prosecuted by ASIC who are found to be involved in insolvent trading; fourthly, it has the task of registration of the liquidators and the administrators there by giving authenticity to the process of insolvency; fifthly, lays down proper procedural framework in case a company is found to be insolvent. Thus, ASIC plays a significant role when there is insolvency. (ASIC, 2017) Conclusion It is thus concluded that a company when is not able to pay its debt when they become payable results in the insolvency of the company. Once a company is insolvent it lays down several responsibilities on the shoulders of the directors which if not performed by them results in raising several liabilities upon them. It is thus very important that instead of looking for options after the company insolvency, it is necessary that steps should be taken so that a company does not become insolvent at the first place itself. Reference List Books/Articles/Journals ASIC (2017) Directors - What are my duties as a director?. Bottomley, S, (2016). The Constitutional Corporation: Rethinking Corporate Governance. Routledge. Hanrahan Et al, (2017) Commercial applications of business law (2017)18th Edn. IMF (2012) Australia: Insurance Core PrinciplesDetailed Assessment of Observance, International Monetary Fund,21-Nov-2012. Latimer, P (2012). Australian Business Law 2012. CCH Australia Limited, 2012. Case laws Sutherland v Hanson Construction Materials Pty Ltd (2009), Online Material Australia (2016) Restructuring and Insolvency (Online) Available at: Accessed on 14th September 2017. ASIC (2017) Directors - Consequences of insolvent trading (Online) Available at: marketing on 14th September 2017. ASIC (2017) our role (Online) Available at: Accessed on 14th September 2017. Insolvency (2016) (Online) Available at: Accessed on 14th September 2017. Swaab (2009) Australia: An Introduction To Insolvency Law - Part One (Online) Available at: Accessed on 14th September 2017.
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